ISSU | Irish Second-Level Students' Union

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Applied Maths


Higher Level

Lucan Community College

I have finally finished the Leaving Cert. Applied Maths was my final exam and I had a nice break between my last exam to this one which gave me lots of time to focus on it. 

When I opened the exam, I instantly recognised that Question 1 would be nicer compared to other years as it can be quite tricky. This set me off on the right track and gave me the confidence to continue on the paper. I elected to not do Question 2 on Relative Velocity due to the increased choice on the paper. I have always hated this question and I generally score the lowest in this question. The next 3 questions on the paper were really nice with some tricky parts thrown in. 

Generally the first half of each question is much easier than the second part but for Question 4, I preferred the wedge instead of the pulleys. I had binge-watched YouTube videos on wedges before the exam so that helped. I found Question 10 to be more difficult than a normal year but it was still manageable when you made a good start on it.

Overall I am relieved to be finished with the exam but I am glad I had the extra time to put in the work for it as it really helped prepare me for this.