ISSU | Irish Second-Level Students' Union

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Press Statement: Education Reform must be a key focus under Minister Richard Bruton



Education reform at second-level must continue to be a key focus under Minister Richard Bruton.The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union (ISSU) welcomes the appointment of Richard Bruton as Minister for Education and Skills and calls on the Minister to ensure that education reform continues to be the key focus of the second-level agenda during this term in government.Education reform is vital in order to cater for varying abilities and learning styles, to promote critical thinking and real engagement with learning, to address current skills gaps and to ensure that Ireland boasts a knowledge economy in the future. It is, therefore, crucial that Minister Bruton and the Department of Education and Skills builds on the foundation stones laid by his predecessors in revitalising and modernising our education system.We look forward to engaging with Minister Bruton and to our continued work with his Department over the coming years.***ENDS***Contact ISSU Main Office 01 443 4461 /