ISSU | Irish Second-Level Students' Union

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Call for ISSU Charitable Trustee: Student Advocacy Director (Irish Second-Level Students' Union)

Please note: Shortlisted applications will only be considered from Alumni of the Irish Second-Level Students' Union former officer panel as recent intimate organisation knowledge is vital for this post.  

The role:

The ISSU are seeking a trustee to act as a Student Advocacy Director. The Board are particularly interested in individuals with recent and relevant experience in/or knowledge of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union.

The organisation:

The Irish Second Level Students' Union is the umbrella body for student councils in secondary schools in Ireland. Founded in 2008, it works towards an education system in which students are recognised as an official partner in creating a student-centred education that truly caters to their needs.The ISSU believes in empowering students, regardless of their background, to use their voice and become active citizens in society. The ISSU continues to grow as an organisation and bring the student voice to issues of a national interest

General Trustee duties of a Charity Trustee & Company Director:

  • Comply with the charity’s governing documents

  • Ensuring charity is complying with its charitable purpose for the public benefit

  • Acting in the best interest of the charity

  • Act with reasonable care and skill

  • Manage the assets of the charity

Charity trustees may not profit from carrying out their duties as a charity trustee. Board members do not receive remuneration for Board membership. Travel and Subsistence will be paid in line with ISSU policy and public sector rates.

Grounds for being disqualified from being a charity trustee include if a person:

  • is adjudicated bankrupt;

  • enters into a formal court approved insolvency arrangement with the Insolvency Service of Ireland;

  • is convicted on indictment of an offence; and

  • is a company that is in the course of being wound up.

Candidate specification requirements and responsibilities include the following:

  • Providing input to the strategic direction of the organisation and contributing with insight

  • Providing oversight and experience of strategy formulation

  • Organisational administrative policy formulation and implementation, as required 

  • A deep appreciation and knowledge of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union’s objectives and structures

  • Advocating for and providing a voice for Student’s interest at voice at Board level, liaising with the National Student Executive, Monitoring Committee and Regional Fora on a regular basis.

  • An understanding of and commitment to our mission and values 

  • Commitment to highest levels of corporate governance

  • Additional experience with youth organisations/student representative organisations would be an asset

Board Meetings:

There will be a minimum of 4 board meetings a year, with some committee work outside of these meetings. Meetings are held in Liberty Hall, Dublin. Meetings can also be held virtually from time to time and voting would take place virtually.

Term of Office: 

The term of office will be two years with the possibility of renewable by agreement of the Board for an additional term of two years, if the trustee desires.