ISSU | Irish Second-Level Students' Union

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ISSU Condemns Cheating During State Examinations

Irish Second-Level Students’ UnionPRESS STATEMENT    *FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*

Cheating during State Examinations    15/06/’10

The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union welcomes the investigation being conducted by the State Examinations Commission into cheating by candidates during the Junior and Leaving Certificate exams.Incidents of this nature undermine the credibility of our education system on a national and international level and so the ISSU calls on students to report any efforts at cheating that are brought to their attention during the exams, as it is the credibility of their educational qualifications that are at stake. The ISSU urges students not to stay silent for fear of being labelled a “snitch” as incidences can be reported in confidence to the relevant authorities. The ISSU also calls on the State Examinations to ensure that superintendents implement stricter regulations and checks to ensure that attempts to cheat during exams do not go undetected as unless more rigorous measures are enforced, attempts at cheating will escalate in future years and confidence in the Irish exam system will be gravely undermined.__ENDS__Notes to Editor:ISSU is the national umbrella body for school Student Councils, aiming to represent and connect Irish second-level students the length and breadth of the country, ensuring that the voice of the Irish second-level student is heard and striving for innovation and democracy within the education system. ISSU is a not-for profit student rights organisation.At ISSU we believe that young people are not merely citizens in waiting - we deserve better, we deserve to be heard. We can and will contribute positively to society. It is so important that our voices, views and opinions are (i) heard (ii) listened to (iii) and most importantly respected. This is what ISSU is all about. We’re here for you.Our main aims include:

  • To provide training and development of second-level school Student Councils, in conjunction with relevant bodies.
  • To develop policies on issues affecting Irish second-level students and bring the needs and rights of students to the attention of the relevant authorities.
  • To provide a transparent, democratic and reliable organisation.
  • To work in collaboration with other educational institutions and bodies both in Ireland and Europe.
  • To work closely with educational curriculum policy makers and teachers’ unions to continually develop a transparent, fair and modern education system.
  • And most importantly, to give students a structured platform through which the voice of the Irish second-level student will be heard.

ISSU represents students at a national level and is affiliated to; the WHEEL, NYCI, Anna Lindh Foundation, Stand up for Education Alliance, Children’s Mental Health Coalition and the Children’s Rights Alliance. On an international level, ISSU works closely with OBESSU. ISSU also works with curriculum development teams and various advisory, email or call 01 443 4461.