ISSU | Irish Second-Level Students' Union

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ISSU to Survey Student Views on Reopening of Schools and State Examinations 2021

The ISSU has today, Thursday January 7th, launched a survey inviting students to share their views and concerns regarding the reopening of schools and provisions for the 2021 State Examinations. This follows the announcement on Wednesday 6th January that schools would not reopen until February for in-person learning, except for 6th year students and students with Special Educational Needs (SEN). The ISSU wishes to acknowledge the massive feedback and concern shared by many students to the organisation regarding this decision, particularly regarding the welfare and safety of 6th year students, and has decided that consultation with students will allow the organisation to be more informed in its advocacy on this issue in the coming days and weeks. 


ISSU President Reuban Murray stated “In a normal year the Junior and Leaving Cert are stressful endeavours, this exceptional year the stress has been compounded and students are scared. This fear and anxiety is borne from a place of confusion and being left in limbo as to basic questions; “How will I sit my exams now?”, “Are schools a safe place for students?” and “How will my mocks take place?” The ISSU met with the Minister and Department of Education Officials as recently as Monday 4th January, and was assured by the Department of Education that schools were safe and that they would be reopening fully next week for all students. 

“Later that evening” Mr. Murray noted, “news was leaking from the Department that all students could be out of school until February. The communication on this has been very messy and stressful for students, and while we will take onboard all feedback from this ongoing consultation in our representative work going forward, we are asking the Department for open, honest and genuine communication with students and the school community. If the Department continues to leave students and stakeholders in the dark until the last minute, then unnecessary stress and fear will continue to spread and confidence in the Department and the education system will suffer.

The ISSU has opened this survey to all students, given the seriousness of the current situation and the massive amounts of feedback already received via social media and other channels. As a membership-based organisation working with student councils, the ISSU will also be consulting directly with its 480 member schools through an information webinar and town halls over the weekend. Details on this will be shared soon and with member schools and student councils directly. 


The survey for second-level students can be found at