ISSU | Irish Second-Level Students' Union

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JC Technical Graphics

Roisin (Higher Level)

Today I had tech graph, my last exam! I felt it went well too, and it was a nice way to end the exams. I was able too answer the ten required short questions without too much trouble, and the four required long questions. For the long questions I picked question 1, 3, 5 and 6. I didn't run into any problems with them, except for the tangent in question six, which I'm not sure if I did the right way. All together I think the paper went well, and it feels great to be finally finished!I'm really glad to be finished, and I don't think it was as bad as I thought it was going to be! I think it is made out to be far worse and a bigger deal than it actually was, really it was just like summer exams. I think maybe if there wasn't so much build-up about it by schools, then it wouldn't be as big a deal for students going into it. I didn't find the exams as stressful as I thought I would, and I think it was because of the long breaks in between, where I was able to revise with my friends, and some days even in the sunshine! I think throughout the year, particularly at the beginning, I could have done more consistent revision, instead of just taking out the books for an hour on a Sunday afternoon so I didn't feel guilty! It might have saved me some late nights of frantically trying to revise an entire subject in one go!I think that the Junior Cycle could use a level in between higher and ordinary. I know lots of people that feel that they can't tackle subjects at higher level but find ordinary level too easy and frustrating, or don't want to do ordinary level but struggle with the higher level course. I think the only paper that should be changed is the maths papers. I think there should be a choice within the paper instead of having six set questions, I think it would make the paper less daunting for students. Other than that, I don't think there was much else that needs to be changed!My friends and I are officially starting summer today because we all finished today or yesterday so we are going to Eddie Rockets to celebrate our freedom! It feels great to be finished and I really enjoyed doing this blog!Happy Holidays!Roisin

James (Higher Level)

Today was the final day of my Junior Certificate Examinations. This morning I had my Technical Graphics exam. This exam was three hours long and consisted of short answer questions and four long answer questions. I felt that this was a tough exam and that the final long answer question (Q6) was particularly difficult. However, I answered every question and think all my answers were decent and relevant.