Office of the Uachtarán of the Irish Second Level Students Union 

As set out in the constitution section 10 subsection 10.1 the role of the Uachtarárn is defined as the following: 

The Uachtarán leads the Irish Second Level Students Union (ISSU), acting as the main representative and spokesperson. They chair meetings of the Coiste Gnó, are a member of the Senior Leadership Team, and have the responsibility of guiding the work of the Coiste Gnó Officers, ensuring they complete their work plans and Directive Mandates. The Uachtarán ensures efficient and continuous communication within all groups of the ISSU and serves as a point of contact for assistance for anyone working within the organization. They represent the ISSU in national media and in meetings with fellow education stakeholders and relevant government ministries.

The Uachtarán attends events and consultations with education stakeholders and represents the Coiste Gnó at meetings of the ISSU Board of Directors in a non-voting capacity. Additionally, the Uachtarán works for continuous membership development and promotes the ISSU on a national level.