ISSU General Election Manifesto
The ISSU have launched our 2024 General Election Manifesto.
The fundamental obligation and ethos of the ISSU is to represent, uplift and defend student voice, and that is what this Manifesto emulates right to its core. The young people of Ireland are tired of the persistent issues that have plagued this generation. From the cost of living crisis to lack of sufficient healthcare to Senior Cycle Redevelopment, we need change and we need it now.
Despite the several challenges that are facing our society, young people are the ray of hope for the future of Ireland. If nothing else, we are the reason to keep advocating for change, and to keep aspiring for a better future. We implore our national representatives to take the demands from this manifesto into consideration and take genuine action. We do not need any more empty promises, we do not want any more consultations if they do not result in meaningful and lasting change.
Think about the future that benefits your children, the future where people can choose where to live happily and securely without being forced to relocate, the future where no child could imagine what it is like to be cold and hungry without shelter.
Click the manifesto to read it in full. If you would like to express your support for the Manifesto and its asks, please email studentvoice@issu.ie
An agreement that establishes a platform from which the concerns of students can be heard by representatives and provides a basis for political parties to address and implement student policies and concerns in their education policy, election manifestos and programmes for government.
ISSU Senior Cycle Reform Report
Exploring the survey results and inputs from 5th and 6th year students regarding the future of the Senior Cycle. Launched at the ISSU Senior Cycle Symposium 2021.
Groundbreaking results of the ISSU survey on COVID-19 in schools and the State Examinations 2022. Over 40,000 students responded in January 2022.
The ISSU Report on the 2021 State Examinations and Return to School
Groundbreaking results of the ISSU survey regarding the 2021 state exams and reopening of schools. Over 25,000 students responded in January 2021.
A report on the Digital Sustainability Consultation held in August 2020
COVID-19 - The Student Response
Groundbreaking results of the ISSU survey regarding the state exams during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 46,000 students responded in April 2020.
Prospects Not Provision
This report followed a year-long workplan exploring the experience and views of students in the direct provision system. Published in 2019.
TY Review
In 2013 and 2014 the ISSU led a review of Transition Year, in collaboration with the Department of Education & Skills
Realising Our Voice
Published in 2010, “Realising Our Voice” puts forward the case for having students at all levels of decision-making, including Boards of Management in schools. It is a core document of the ISSU
ISSU Féidir Linn
The ISSU Charter for Student Voice, affirming the aims of the ISSU. The charter was first published in 2010.