Child Protection

Our Ethos

We believe that all young people have a right to be safe at all times and to have the opportunity to fully-participate in all aspects of the activities that ISSU provides. Our Child Protection Policy has been drawn up in order to help all those involved with ISSU to ensure that young people participating in ISSU activities or ISSU sponsored activities have the opportunity to make the most of their time with the organisation, in a safe environment.

Our Designated Liaison Person (DLP) is Luke Daly. He can be contacted at

Our Commitment

The ISSU is committed to the protection of children and young people with whom we work and to promoting good practice within our organisation. 

  • The ISSU is committed to promoting the rights of the child including the participation of children and young people in matters that affect them.

  • The ISSU is committed to adherence to Children First National Guidance 2017 and the Children First Act 2015.

  • The ISSU ensures all staff and volunteers over the age of 16 are Garda Vetted and are provided with Child Protection Training.

  • Ultimately, ISSU believes that the child’s welfare is paramount.