Agricultural Science

Matthew Ryan 16x9.jpg


Higher Level

St. Francis' Capuchin College

Ag. Science is over and so is my Leaving Cert, thank god!

The Ag. Science paper ran from 2-4:30 today and I was finished by about 4. Overall, I found the paper quite manageable. It was strange doing it as with the change of the Ag. Science curriculum, the exam was my first time seeing the actual layout and style of questions which threw me a bit at the start but once I got into it it was ok! 

The paper focused very heavily on sustainability in agriculture which is no surprise as our projects were all about sustainability too. I felt the questions were fair and the choice on the paper meant that you could pick and choose questions that really suited your knowledge. 

Overall I'm glad it's over but not nearly as glad as the fact that all of my exams are over!




Art, History and Appreciation