
Exam Blogs 2021 (30).jpg
Lizi Gelenidze 16x9.jpg


Higher Level

Creagh College

The Russian exam today was perfect. It was only me and my brother in the whole school doing it, and I know many can relate.  I absolutely loved it and hope everyone else did too. Unfortunately, I don’t have a teacher in Russian, therefore I had to go for the exam option and let me tell you I am very happy with it! 

It was a little bit different from last year; For example, some exercises in section three, assigning cases to words were reduced from ten to five and the new one was to identify whether it was a verb, adjective, noun etc. 

The essay topics were great as well and very relatable to present times. I wrote an opinion piece where I discussed how hard it is to choose your career at the age of 17/18. I was delighted to write about this topic because I have thought about this many times. I have heard that in some classes the listening section of the exam was horrible because there were  issues with the sound but me and my brother were very lucky because the sound was perfect and surprisingly easy to understand. 

In conclusion I am very happy about it and I hope everyone who did the Russian exam was too. There is only one exam to go for me, and I can’t wait to finish. Good luck to everyone who has exams tomorrow!


Politics and Society

