An Chomhdháil Bhliantiúl
Frequenty Asked Questions (FAQs)
Frequently Asked Questions about An Chomhdháil Bhliantiúl
What the dates for An Chomhdháil Bhliantúil?
Day 1 takes place online.
Day 2 takes place in-person at Liberty Hall, Dublin, find out how to get there here! More information on times will be made available shortly.
You and your delegates must be registered by TBC. There will be no exceptions to this deadline.
I have never attended An Chomhdháil Bhliantúil or any ISSU event before, what do I need to know?
Don’t worry about it being your first time attending this event! Upon registration, a consent form was sent to your parent/guardian and this needs to be filled in before the event. You will receive emails prior to the event with the information you need to know!
Who should attend?
Up to 4 delegates from any school in Ireland on behalf of their student council. This can be any student in second-level from 1st year right up to 6th year. As long as they are nominated as members of their student council or are nominated on behalf of their student council.
Is An Chomhdháil Bhliantúil free to attend?
Yes! There is no cost to register and attend. The only cost you need to cover is your transport to the event. ISSU is not in a position to reimburse travel for this event. Lunch will be provided at the in person day.
What are the different delegate types?
There are two types of delegate at An Chomhdháil Bhliantúil:
Voting/Official Delegates: Member schools can send 2 voting delegates as part of their delegation. This means they can vote in the elections and on motions.
Non-Voting/Observers Delegates: Member Schools can send 2 non-voting delegates as well as 2 voting delegates. Non member schools can send up to 4 non-voting delegates. These delegates get to take place in the workshops, activities and much more at the event but cannot vote.
Do I need to wear my school uniform?
Not at all! Wear whatever you’re comfortable in!
I am travelling from faraway, is there going to be late registration open at the event?
Yes, just let the ISSU Membership support team know in advance via
Do I need to bring a teacher to the event?
This is not mandatory but we recommend bringing a teacher if you or your delegates are not used to travelling independently or if the majority of your delegation are in Junior Cycle.
Will there be any guidance getting from bus/train stations to the venue?
Yes, there will be stewards with ISSU signs and yellow hi vis vets to guide you to Liberty Hall Theatre from Heuston Station, Connolly Station, Busáras and the Spire. The exact details of where these stewards will be waiting will be emailed to you!