Geography - #JC2017 - Maria Hayes

Maria Hayes - Scoil Ruáin Killenaule

The geography exam today was a tricky paper because I wasn't expecting some of the questions to come up! However I was pleased with the turn out!

I began with section 1. I got through that with little difficulty except when we were asked what kind of settlement a "ecclesiastical settlement" was. I guessed "religious". It turned out to be correct! That was 3 marks gained!

Then moving onto Section 2 I spent 10 mins going through the questions and seeing which questions I wanted to do. I chose Q2, Q4 & Q5. Question 2 was all to-do with rivers!! I was delighted because I love rivers! Question 4 was all about Climate! Another favourite of mine! Finally Question 5 was the Map question. We had to draw an aerial photograph of Macroom, followed by why a certain area is perfect for building a hotel! Followed by 3 points on the map which showed evidence of historic settlements. It was tricky as I only had 10 minutes left in the exam so I was racing through the question!

I think that it was a successful paper and I'm happy with how it went.



Maths P1 - #JC2017 - Diego Brule


Geography - #JC2017 - Diego Brule