ISSU Asks Department for Immediate Clarity on Exam Provisions

The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union welcomes the decision to close schools and centres of education as a precautionary measure to stop the spread of COVID-19,however it is noted that this is a particularly stressful and worrying time for their members. 

Students and other stakeholders in education are now facing a period of uncertainty awaiting departmental decisions to be made. The ISSU understands that this is a particularly difficult time for students in exam years who would have been working on oral and project based examinations at this time. It should be noted that oral examinations have been postponed and new dates will be circulated when schools recommence. 

The ISSU has today contacted the Department of Education asking for clarity for exam students and for decisions surrounding the state exams to be made as soon as possible. Student welfare during this time should be of top priority and keeping students updated and informed in a reasonable timeframe is an essential element of this. 

The most important factor in all of this is student health and safety. We encourage all of our members to follow HSE guidelines, in particular implementing good hygiene practices. 

The ISSU will endeavour to ensure that students as key stakeholders in their education are consulted and included in any decisions to be made regarding their education in the coming weeks and months.


#ClarificationNow: ISSU Campaign for Clarity on the 2020 State Examinations


Officer Blog: Secretary - Luke Casserly