ISSU Welcomes Removal of School Profiling and Further Updates on Leaving Cert 2020 Results

The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union (ISSU) welcomes the recent announcement from the Minister for Education, Norma Foley T.D., that school profiling will be removed from the Leaving Certificate 2020 Calculated Grades. By removing this element the ISSU feel that students will get an equal opportunity to achieve the grades they deserve in the Leaving Certificate this year; irrespective of the school they attend.

The ISSU believe that the exceptional circumstances which the Leaving Certificate students of 2020 have faced, have been reflected in the relevant changes to the calculated grading system. In relation to concerns on how the algorithm may have affected students from disadvantaged schools, it is evident that the recent decisions are a proactive step to ensure that similar issues which transpired in other countries are not repeated here. 


Standardisation is applied to the grading process which is in line with each previous examination year. The ISSU recognises the necessity to ensure these grades stand up to scrutiny so in years to come the 2020 Leaving Certificate results hold equal value to other years. Before the standardisation process was applied it was noted by the Department that some subjects had doubled or tripled the amount of H1s awarded in comparison to any other academic year. With this standardisation process, the Department has mitigated grade inflation but also brought up the grades where grades had been underestimated.


The ISSU also welcomes the news that additional places will now be made available in higher and further education affording students a greater opportunity to enter their desired course. 


Throughout this process, the ISSU have continually advocated for a fair and equitable solution to the postponement of the Leaving Certificate exams which would not unfairly advantage or disadvantage any student. The focus of the ISSU going forward will continue to be ensuring that students are fully supported as the results are issued and the transition to further and higher education begins. To do this, we are aiding in the work of the National Parents Council Post-Primary (NPC-PP) Leaving Cert Helpline which will run between the 7th and 12th of September. We have also launched a web page with access to a variety of discounts and free services to help 2020 Leaving Certificate students study for their November Exams. 


ISSU President Reuban Murray commented “In a normal year the Leaving Certificate results are a very stressful and anxious time for students and families. This year's cohort has experienced a year like no other and our main priority, alongside achieving an equitable process, is to ensure that they are supported and treated as fairly as possible.”


In addition, the ISSU wishes to encourage public platforms to be mindful of the immense stress students experience during this time as they await their results. We would ask that platforms refrain from sensationalising the results and heightening students' anxiety.


Mr. Murray expressed the ISSU’s best wishes to the class of 2020, saying “The Leaving Certificate is a stepping stone for students as they progress on to the next phase of their lives, but it does not define them or their abilities as a person. It is an exciting time and we wish every student the best of luck in whatever career or direction they wish to take.” 



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