Irish Second-Level Students' Union


Second-Level Students' Union congratulates the Class of 2011

17 August 2011

The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the 57,532 examination candidates upon receiving their Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied results today. However, the ISSU questions the suitability of the Leaving Certificate Examination structure and the points system.Speaking this morning, an ISSU spokesperson said:“Leaving Cert results day is different for everyone. There will be people who are dying to find out how they did and people who’d rather hide under the bed. Whatever happens and however you did, it’ll be ok. It is not the be all and end all. You have the next few days to take stock, and maturely evaluate your options. Seek advice from your school guidance councilor, talk to your parents and make use of the various exam help lines. Most of all enjoy today, and celebrate today’s passing sensibly”.The ISSU spokesperson went on to say:“As a society we need to strongly evaluate the suitability of our examination structure and indeed the, infamous points system. We welcome and strongly support Minister Quinn’s commitment to look into this matter. The Leaving Certificate encourages rote learning whilst stifling creativity, lateral thinking and individuality. Although the examination structure has elements that are fair, there must be a better, fairer way. The points race puts our young people to the pin of their collar physically, mentally and emotionally. It is widely accepted that the time has come for change, let’s not waste time or money researching it and put a plan into action. The ISSU would facilitate a student consultation to ensure young people are consulted and to guarantee that their voice is heard. It’s time we left the Leaving behind us”.***************** ENDS *****************Notes to Editor:The Irish Second-Level Students' Union (ISSU) is the national umbrella body for school Student Councils, aiming to represent and connect Irish second-level students the length and breadth of the country, ensuring that the voice of the Irish second-level student is heard and striving for innovation and democracy within the education system. ISSU is a not-for profit student rights organisation.At ISSU we believe that young people are not merely citizens in waiting - we deserve better, we deserve to be heard. We can and will contribute positively to society. It is so important that our voices, views and opinions are (i) heard (ii) listened to (iii) and most importantly respected.ISSU's main aims include:

  • To provide training and development of second-level school Student Councils, in conjunction with relevant bodies.
  • To develop policies on issues affecting Irish second-level students and bring the needs and rights of students to the attention of the relevant authorities.
  • To provide a transparent, democratic and reliable organisation.
  • To work in collaboration with other educational institutions and bodies both in Ireland and Europe.
  • To work closely with educational curriculum policy makers and teachers’ unions to continually develop a transparent, fair and modern education system.
  • And most importantly, to give students a structured platform through which the voice of the Irish second-level student will be heard.

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