LC German

ISSU Commentary (Higher Level)

Glück appears to have been on the side of Leaving Cert Higher Level Deutsch students this morning as they sat down to their aural and written papers. The majority of students will have been happy with the aural element of the exam which some have declared as being one of the easiest tapes in years.The written paper got off to a good start with a fairly straightforward first reading comprehension although the second comprehension on solar powered cinemas may have proved tricky for some in parts. However, overall, the comprehension section was approachable with a nice "Angewandte Grammatik" exercise with a particularly straighforward question on rewriting a section in the Präsens (present tense).The written compostion section was also very manageable, however, the final point of the letter option which required students to refer to dance lessons many have been difficult for some to expand on.On a whole, it was a very fair paper which well prepared students will have been delighted with - let's just hope this isn't reflected too much in the marking scheme.


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LC History and Appreciation of Art