Leaving Cert Irish Paper 1

Sheila - Higher Level

 The night before my Irish paper one exam I completely neglected all other subjects to focus on it because I felt there are such a random selection of essays that can come up. I woke up three times last night having had nightmares I would go in open the paper and be able to do nothing. Looking back now I realise I was prepared for it.The tape was the first section of the paper. It was far easier than the mocks with only one or two questions proving a little difficult but even then I managed an answer. I have heard from others that they struggled with the tape but all told me they hadn't ever really practised it so it shows that practise is necessary. The only problem with the tape is you only hear it twice but the breaks between each playing are so short that you hardly have a chance to read the questions before the next section starts. I spent some of the first round of listening trying to read the questions which was annoying. Apart from the bad timing allocation it was a great tape.The essays this year were varied and very broad allowing you to talk about almost anything you had prepared. I was so happy when i flicked through the paper and saw eimirce one of the few essays I had really focused on. I was able to bring in all I had done on the total as well so I was really happy. The other essays I wouldn't have been as comfortable with but I have heard many of my friends saying they tackled An Timpeallacht agus Realtai sport so I guess we all picked what suited us.Overall I am delighted with paper one and I think it went far better than expected.Best of luck tomorrow everyone. Here's hoping the Dis does not come up.Go n-eiri an bothar leat.   

Nathan - Ordinary Level

  This paper started off badly as I lost concentration because of a disruption so i was off to a bad start with the Aural but I eventually caught back up and answered the questions.  They weren't the best in the best in the world but they weren't too bad either. then came the Sceal agus Litir which honestly I don't' think I could have asked for a better 2 questions the only things the I studied and hoped that would come up came up. lets hope paper  is as nice in the morning    Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.


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