Leaving Certificate Accounting

Rob - Higher Level

If there is a way to NOT do a Leaving Certificate exam, I did it today. I was revising theory up until twenty minutes before my exam and on reaching my exam centre I saw a big group of third years clutching T-squares. Presuming they were now using our exam centre, I moved down to the other sixth year centre and sat down with my classmates. The paper and exam booklets were handed out, I skimmed through the pages and was happy enough to see the topics I had revised were there. It was then I was called out of the exam centre as I was in the wrong one - 5 minutes into the exam. I raced down the hall with the stationery I had on my table (including a biro running tediously low on blue ink) and then had to restart the exam in this exam centre. Great start Rob!I decided to start myself off on depreciation, a topic I've always liked. This year the question had a few extra parts including having a scrap value of 5%. I took this into account and filled out my table and in my exam state I began to convince myself I was going wrong somewhere. Even though it said to round to decimals, I convinced myself I was going wrong and so abandoned the question.I was now 20 minutes into an alright tight time-wise exam without having a single question done. I ended up racing through the rest of my questions. My cash flow didn't balance and I ended up doing Question 5 (which I usually avoid like the plague).On a more positive note, I was quite happy with my tabular statement and question 9. The theory on all questions was what I had been expecting, so hopefully I've gained marks there.Overall I'm quite disappointed with this exam. I knew the information but on the day I made bad choices and panicked under time constraints. I had been looking for an A1 with Accounting, but right now I'd be happy with a B in any form.2 more exams left, I'm feeling a little disheartened and burned out after all that. Let's hope Chemistry is nice (it never is!) :)

Dáire - Higher Level

The accounting paper was okay. I answered questions 1, 5, 7 and 9.Question 1 was a company final account, I was delighted when I saw it, being the easiest. That being said I still didn't get it to balance, I was a fair bit off. The interpretation of accounts question, question 5, was standard enough. Nothing unusual about the cash budget, question 9, or the incomplete records, question 7.I started with question 9 to build up my confidence because I'm not great at accounting. I like the cash budgets. I then did question 1, I still have never balanced one on my own. I took a good while to do those questions and I put myself under pressure to get the last 2 done in time. Thankfully, I got all the questions answered and hopefully mostly correct.I feel the exam went well, but I would advise for prospective students to set a time plan and follow it. There really isn't much time to spare in the allocated 3 hours. I was flat out until the end, and I was conscious of being the only person in the room for the last hour.I was prepared for everything that came up, which was relieving, to say the least.Please note: Blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union.


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