Leaving Certificate French
Liam - Higher Level 
Questions that I did. 1(b) , 2(a) and 4(b).Overall, I thought today went okay. I was delighted with the two reading comprehensions! The questions were okay to understand and even if they weren't, a good read through would help you there.I was banking on a récit because I really like them. Who doesn't love writing stories in French! Moral of my story , "trust those emails that say you've won a competition you don't remember entering!" Journal in time was grand too and then I did the obesity opinion question.Now it's time to talk about that absolute atrocity that we call the listening comprehension. Sorry SEC but our fluency in the French language is equal to that of a brick. I'd say French monoglots would have difficulty understanding that one too, but sure at least it's done.If you think about it, the French LC subject is like a balanced scale, if your reading comprehensions turn out to be easy, or even doable, you can always count on the listening test to just kick you right back to no mans land!
Craig - Higher Level 
French wasn't too bad this year. I was awfully disappointed there was nothing on pollution though, and racism came up in a very odd form - celebrating the joys of multiculturalism. Instead I took on obesity, the question on education and the journal in time regarding a camping experience.I'm very meh about this paper, had it had other choices I think I could've jumped up at least two grades, which is sad but it's the luck of the draw - the leaving cert!
Ellen - Higher Level 
What a beautiful, beautiful paper. Even though none of my predictions (COP21, Euros & refugees) came up, I really couldn't have asked for better. The reading comprehensions were easier than normal I felt, and even the listening was grand! I was a bit worried going into the exam as I had never done le récit before but the essay on the importance was nice, so I needn't have worried. The journal in time and demand d'emploi were equally doable and in the end I did the letter, as well as the final question on obesity. 1916 made a surprise appearance, especially after expecting it in other subjects and being disappointed!But really I can't say a bad thing about that paper!Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.Zeminar is an event for Generation Z, particularly those aged between 15 and 19, and their parents, teachers, mentors and coaches. It will take place from 11th - 13th of October 2016. For more information see www.zeminar.ie