Leaving Certificate Geography

Cárthach - Higher Level Geography DSC04123 (1)

Not fully functioning at 5:30am,  I looked at YouTube videos which really helped recap on things that I had forgotten, with loads of videos on Regions-type questions...This made the early start easier!!Luckily, the last few points I had looked over in the exam regarding the geo-ecology were useful, as I decided to do a question on A Biome and choose the three aspects, Fauna, Soil and Climate.I did feel panic when I felt blanks coming, but I kept breathing, which helps...and I managed to keep writing and continued to the next questions...as I always struggled with time (like in English).I felt it was unfair to put several air photograph and map related time consuming short questions, that I had no choice but to skip over, and made significant ground by doing so.However, time was still against me, and I had to rush my last two questions, and didn't manage to get back to do the last 5 short questions apart from one...but I think overall the paper was much nicer than I had presumed it would be, nicer than the pres/mocks, take note 5th years!It could have been better, could have been worse. It was draining and slowed me for Maths Paper 1, but that's a different kettle of fish writing-wise...Not as straining on my painful (painfully slow) hand, maybe a bit more straining on my head!

Liam - Higher Level Geography DSC04124 (1)

Questions that I did: All the short Qs, 2, 4, 12, 16.Geography, geography, geography. The paper wasn't actually too bad, you'll be sad to know Mr Highlighter didn't make much of an appearance because after the mocks, I knew timing would be an issue.I did it kind of awkwardly, from the back to front. Our teacher give us Geo ecology essays and I knew the cramming I did 5 minutes before the exam would wear off, so best to do it ASAP. Soil characteristics and general composition came up. Brown soil it was.I figured after this I'd keep the good mojo going and do the short questions, cause everybody knows getting one short question out of the 12 right gives as much satisfaction as getting the A1. They weren't too bad, in saying that, I could have made a complete balls of it and never know! Thanks SEC!12 was next because I wanted to get my human population out of the way because it's the bane of my existence. I choose not to think of it because the SRPs certainly weren't flowing there!Then I went into question 4, regional geography! They were mad into Brazil this year. I figured I'd compensate for not doing a sketch map and draw out Brazil. And by that, get the general idea of what Brazil looks like from the world map on question 12. Overall that question wasn't too tricky.Then there was question 2. Who doesn't love talking about a good delta. The colouring pencils came out ladies and gents and I've never seen the "Mississippi Crow Foot Delta" looking so magnificent.Overall I thought it was grand, but with geography, one doesn't really know cause of those SRPs. Little buggers!!Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.Zeminar is an event for Generation Z, particularly those aged between 15 and 19, and their parents, teachers, mentors and coaches. It will take place from 11th - 13th of October 2016. For more information see www.zeminar.ieZeminar cover image


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Leaving Certificate Maths Paper 1