Leaving Certificate History

Craig - Higher Level Craig McHugh

I'm pretty sure it says somewhere in the UN Declaration for Human Rights that putting a 3 hr history exam and a 3 hr French exam on one day is in fact - wrong. History was exhausting. Once I opened that paper I was straight in - highlighting, as Liam does - highlighting everything. The document section was lovely - Nuremberg ! The contextualisation was nice too regarding propaganda. Then it was into Ireland Topic 2 - I did the paper back ways so this was actually my last question. I was so exhausted by this point I couldn't remember who founded the Gaelic league but I had plenty of quotes and dates so I was off and then with just 11 minutes to go I fitted in the Anglo Irish Literary Revival too - Yeats all that. Lovely choice in that section!Then bam! 1916! Lovely! Not sure how I did in this question, in fact the whole exam is a blur. You're not allowed, nor are you able to time wise think about "how you did" during this exam - toilet breaks are for the very brave! I was jumping with joy when I saw the USA question though, to be fair - the choice between economy or Johnson/Truman - I chose the presidents and said Truman was a better leader! Job done!I'm exhausted now at this stage - business tomorrow , then I'm done for four days thank god! 

Ellen - Higher Level DSC04117 (1)

I almost cried with happiness when I read the faint outline of the Nuremburg Rallies on the exam script cover. By far the easiest DBQ to write about! The rest of the paper was quite nice, with lots of choice. At long long last 1916 turned up when it was most needed, even throwing Yeats in for the craic. They couldn't have done that in English paper 2 now could they? Anyway, I answered on the Treaty Negotiations and struggled to come up with as many different ways of saying 'contentious' as possible. For American history, I was torn between Truman & Johnson or the Moon Landing & Star Wars, but I settled on the latter. For Northern Ireland, I saw Coleraine and Apprentice Boys and launched straight in, realising 3 pages in that it only asks you to discuss one or the other. Oops.Although my hand is well and truly dead, I survived the LC 2016! That's it from me now, best of luck lads with everything xPlease note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.Zeminar is an event for Generation Z, particularly those aged between 15 and 19, and their parents, teachers, mentors and coaches. It will take place from 11th - 13th of October 2016. For more information see www.zeminar.ieZeminar cover image


Junior Certificate French


Junior Certificate History