Main Budget 2013 points which affect second-level students

Below is a brief summary of the main points of the 2013 Budget as they affect second-level students.

 There will be a 2 point increase in the pupil teacher ratio in fee charging second level schools will be introduced in September 2013. €500,000 will be specifically allocated to tackling bullying in schools. The Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance has been reduced from €150 to €100 for primary school children and from €250 to €200 for secondary and third level students below the age of 22 for eligible recipients. The Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) in Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) programmes is to be equalised with the PTR in mainstream second level schools, changing from 17:1 at present to 19:1. The introduction of the new Junior Cycle will be supported by an investment of €3 million in 2013, and €8.7 million in 2014. Child benefit payments will be reduced by €10 per month. At third level, the student contribution will rise by €250 in 2013 to €2,500 and by €250 for the following two years to €3,000 in 2015.  There will also be a 3% reduction in the income threshold for entitlement to student grants.  Disclaimer: This page is intended to give a brief outline of some of the measures of the 2013 Budget, of which full details are available here.


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