Parents and students united in support for Junior Cycle

Joint Press Statement

The National Parents' Council post-primary (NPCpp) and the Irish Second-level Students’ Union (ISSU) stand together in support for junior cycle reforms.Issuing a joint statement acknowledging the significant movement by the Minister for Education and Skills to bring about a resolution of outstanding issues and to introduce long-awaited reform of the junior cycle. According to Don Myers, President of the NPCpp, “We have met the Minister in recent months and re-iterated our support for junior cycle reform while also raising the specific concerns of parents. Our main concerns related to certification and a degree of external oversight of classroom assessment.  The Minister said she would reflect on those concerns and her new proposal on junior cycle put before the Teachers’ unions clearly demonstrates that she is prepared to listen to concerns and produce proposals that address them. Craig McHugh a seventeen year old student and President of the Irish Second Level Students’ Union (ISSU) said, “Students are hungry to see this significant reform on the ground in our schools.  The current model isn’t fit for purpose.  Our Students deserve a modern learning experience, one that promises them real skills and actually educates. Instead of providing us with the ability to rote-learn, it provides us with the ability to actually learn. Students are the largest stakeholder in our education system, and as their national representatives, we have no doubt that this new way of teaching and developing young learners will be far better for our students". Concluding both Mr. Myers and Mr. McHugh said, “It is our joint view that the framework for junior cycle reform put forward by the Minister for Education and Skills provides a very sound basis for finally breaking the impasse that has staggered this process.  We would respectfully ask the teaching unions to return to talks – this package is good for students, good for parents and good for education.  We believe it should be given a chance”. *** ENDS ***Contact 01-443 4461 /




Address by Craig Mc Hugh, ISSU President at USI rally for education