Second-Level Students' Union Calls for Further Talks to Avert Strike Action

The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union (ISSU) has today called on the Government and ASTI representatives to re-enter negotiations and exhaust every possible avenue in order to avoid the occurrence of industrial action.The ISSU believes that at some stage an agreement will be reached, and it is in everyone’s interests, especially students, that this is done before any industrial action affects schools.ISSU President, Mark Caffrey, said; “One way or another, a resolution will be reached at some point.  Therefore we are calling on Government and ASTI representatives to enter further negotiations as soon as possible so that this can be reached before industrial action affects our schools.“If we reach a stage where ASTI members enter into industrial action, there will obviously be a negative impact on students in affected schools.  This could cause great upset to some students, and we know from talking to students that they will already be worried about how industrial action could ultimately affect their exam results.  Nobody wins if there is industrial action, and we want to see this matter resolved without any impact on students.”Education Officer for the ISSU, Robert O’ Donnell expressed his concern the cloud of industrial action will have on exam students in particular; “As education officer and as a second-level student I am very concerned by the threat of industrial action. It will have would have a big impact, especially on 6th year students who heavily rely on teachers the most on schools. Education has never been so important in this country and the classrooms need teachers in them giving students the education they need.”


Irish Second-level Students’ Union Welcomes Preservation of Pupil-Teacher Ratio


Coming soon, national review of Transition Year programme