Skills Academy 2019 - A Huge Success

The ISSU’s Skills Academy 2019 was an enormous success this year! From the 12-14th of August activists and future leaders from all across the country came to Dublin for a series of workshops & discussions based on equipping them with the skills for their own activism and indeed to become the leaders of the future.

From panel discussions on Climate Action, Education Reform and Young People in Politics with esteemed panelists. To workshops in negotiation, interview skills and the Irish Language, the 3 days were jam packed. The unbelievable intelligence, enthusiasm and innovation the participants brought to the event was incredible, and we cannot wait to see what they go on to achieve both within and outside ISSU.

Here are some testimonials from this years attendees:

  • Paul Zaki - “A great experience and I’ve learned a lot.”

  • Sarah Hannigan - “[Skills Academy] Really brings people together & people get to know one another over the few days and make new friends & get to learn new skills - A great event!”

  • Reuban Murray - “The Skills Academy was such a great chance to meet dozens of people who were full of new ideas and opinions you’ve never thought of. I walked away with an adrenaline rush from all these new exciting people.”

A massive thank you is in order to all those who attended and gave it their all and to the trade union movement for their generosity that makes this event possible. We’re looking forward to next year already!


S.A.M.E Summer Academy and GA in Lübeck!


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