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Science - #JC2017 - Diego Brule

Diego Brule - Colaiste Einde Salthill GalwayScience was one of the two subjects in which I had prepared myself the most in. I was very looking forward to it, considering that for my LC subjects, I picked Physics, Chemistry and Applied Maths.But maybe you noticed from my subject choices that Biology isn't my strongest? Well you are correct. As I opened the paper, the biology part made everything more complicated. A combination of asking precisely about topics that I hadn't much interest in, unusual wording, and me not being able to translate scientific names to english, made those first 3 questions very frustrating.But relief came to me as I went into the chemistry section. This time, no translating required, as it was more maths, the universal language. Balancing chemical equations, lab experiments, and the fact that not one thing about hard water came up made this section very enjoyable.And last but definitely not least, Physics section. Ah, my favourite science. I flew through it, knowing all the theory behind it. I just got a bit stuck on electricity, but my log book helped me out.Overall, for me, this test was satisfying and relaxed. And I can't help but be happy that now I can completely forget about studying plants again, or mostly anything about Biology for that matter.#StateExams2017

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Leaving Certificate Applied Maths

Liam - Higher Level DSC04124 (1)

Questions that I did: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10Applied Maths. The last exam. The end of LC'16. This finale could not have come sooner in my opinion. The exam was okay, some questions needed more time than the exam permitted, other questions were grand!I stared off with 8, just to get the moment of inertia proof out of the way,  it was for a rod so it was reasonably simple and the following question was good too! 10 took a few minutes to comprehend, and I took my normal maths teacher's advice, if you don't understand, draw a graph. And so I did! The questions weren't the worst, but then I got onto question 1.I usually love question 1. Usually. It was one where I kept coming back to it , don't even know why! It was tricky out.  3 was okay too. The first part I thought okay , but again, timing out me off getting it properly. 4 and 5 were okay I think. I got them so that's good… right ??Overall , it wasn't perfect my any means, but long live attempt marks… eh?Thanks so much for reading my and every one else's blogs over the course of LC 2016, hopefully we helped you get closure over the exams after them and now we can forget ALLLLL about them. Live long and prosper folks! 

Cárthach - Higher Level DSC04123 (1)

Okay, so this was an extra subject. Glad to be done. I found it extremely difficult.Forgetting my calculator was a first mistake, but it was only outside the door so my examiner allowed me to go get it! So despite being off to a bad start, I managed Question 1. (I) but the rest, I thought, were questions that were challenging and very tricky to understand, and almost misleading.After speaking to a few people, nobody was a fan of the paper...and the different style question 4(a) and tricky 'a' parts all around.It was an extra subject for me, but overall, it's main benefit was that it helped with honours Maths!Congrats on everyone who finished today! As I'm writing this from the sesh; I have walked a long road to freedom, and added a good few miles by choosing this subject, it was a painful pleasure!-Cárthach Ó Faoláin out!Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.Zeminar is an event for Generation Z, particularly those aged between 15 and 19, and their parents, teachers, mentors and coaches. It will take place from 11th - 13th of October 2016. For more information see www.zeminar.ieZeminar cover image

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