2017 Exam Blog, Uncategorised admin 2017 Exam Blog, Uncategorised admin

#German - #LC2017 - Gabriele Grudyte

 #LC2017 #GermanGabriele Grudyte - St. Mary's Holy Faith Secondary School, KillesterToday I sat the German leaving cert paper. The one subject I love the most. I'm so happy with the way it turned out the topics that came up were amazing, couldn't have asked for a better paper.I'm a very slow writer so for me timing was always an issue, however I finished the exam right on time this time. I don't know what else I can say, I'm overall very happy with the German.If you do German I suggest you focus on the reading comprehensions. And then the letter and then the theme question and finally the Grammar.Quidditch came up in the aural, which is the last place I expected to come actually I never expected it to come up at all. I was very happy with the aural also. Overall I was very happy with the paper.Check out more exam blogs here: http://issu.ie/the-issu-…/issu-exam-blogs-leaving-cert-2017/#StateExams2017

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2016 Exam Blog, JC Blog (2016) admin 2016 Exam Blog, JC Blog (2016) admin

Junior Certificate German

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Kate - Higher Level

German is a subject that I thoroughly enjoy. Going into the exam I was incredibly stressed. This was my third last exam and I'm so exhausted I did not put the proper study time into it. I was most stressed about letter topics and possibly listening comprehensions. The exam started and everything was fine until I got to the final listening comprehension. This focused on some sort of class election and I used my knowledge of class elections to fill in some space that I missed. I moved onto reading which I found easier than some of the past years. The reading was quite easy but had some strange tenses. Finally I moved onto the letter. I wrote 4 pages for my letter. The letter focused on pets, summer plans, internet shopping, school trip and school uniform. I found this somewhat tricky as the topics were so specific that you could hardly vary (ie. When pocketmoney comes up you can write about jobs, housework, etc. But you can't write too much about a new pet cat). Finally I wrote my postcard. This was a lovely postcard about a school exchange. I found this  easier than previous postcards and was overjoyed that it wasn't a note. Overall I'm pretty happy with how that went and am going into my final two exams on a positive note!

Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.Zeminar is an event for Generation Z, particularly those aged between 15 and 19, and their parents, teachers, mentors and coaches. It will take place from 11th - 13th of October 2016. For more information see www.zeminar.ieZeminar cover image

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2016 Exam Blog, LC Blog (2016) admin 2016 Exam Blog, LC Blog (2016) admin

Leaving Certificate German

Emma O'Callaghan

Emma- Higher Level 

German, for a subject I have little stamina for it went surprisingly well! The first comprehension was a toughie but the rest of the paper was a dream with the grammar being a lot simpler than other years. The second comprehension was lovely, and I managed to squeeze everything in the letter!! The listening was fairly handy and overall I was pleased with the paper!! Hopefully this grade will make up for the awful bio paper!

Klara- Higher Level 

Overall this paper was quite easy although it had some weird questions thrown in. The first reading comprehension was quite difficult and so it took me quite a while to do. The second was much easier. The grammar question was lovely- prepositions and question words, very easy. I ended up doing both Außerung zum Thema, both of which were very different from anything I had prepared, one was about old-fashioned shops and the second about prejudices against people wearing hoodies and trends. With the phrases I did know it was easy to answer, however. The letter also had some very strange questions such as why Ireland is chosen as a filming site. Overall though the questions were very easy to understand. The listening was great as well, I found the questions easy to answer. The first section was a bit hard to understand, but after a while I started to make sense of what they were saying.Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.Zeminar is an event for Generation Z, particularly those aged between 15 and 19, and their parents, teachers, mentors and coaches. It will take place from 11th - 13th of October 2016. For more information see www.zeminar.ieZeminar cover image

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Leaving Certificate German

Rob - Higher Level

My final language exam! I had prepared what I could going into the exam, revising some vocabulary for each topic. German has a habit of being notoriously difficult to predict, and this year was no different by any means.The first comprehension was surprisingly accessible, describing an old woman who has a dream of flying. Usually this is where I lose marks, however I was quite happy with it. On reading the second comprehension I was surprised to find it harder than the first, I couldn't translate all the vocabulary for the English questions. The grammar question was straightforward enough and a repeat of what we've seen in previous years.I chose the Außerung sum Thema about your friend wanting to be a pop star. I said he should follow his dream but maybe get a part time job too! The follow on questions I linked into what I had learned about engineering for my oral, so I'm happy enough with how I did here.The letter. Where did those topics come from? I found myself borrowing a lot of vocabulary and verbs from the letter itself, especially about the second hand clothing. The SEC really did choose random topics, bringing in a bit of feminism to the sports question and asking which country out of Germany, Austria and Switzerland I'd prefer a language assistant from and why. I have never seen a written paper like that before, and so am not sure how well I did.The listening test was completely different to what I've heard before too. I was shocked to find myself with just 3 answers written down in Section 1 after the second listening. Thankfully the other parts were a bit easier than this one, but overall I'm a little disappointed with the aural.It'll be interesting to see how they vary the marking scheme!Please note: Blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union.

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