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Christmas Greetings!

ISSU Christmas MessageOn behalf of all of us here in the Irish Second-Level Student's Union, we would like to say Thank You for all of your work for students and young people in 2015. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We look forward to working with you in 2016!The Irish Second-Level Students' Union office will be closed from 5:00pm on Wednesday 23rd of December until Monday 4th of January 2016. Please email info@issu.ie with any enquiries. Enjoy the holidays!

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Christmas Break

Please be advised that the ISSU National office is closed from 5pm on Monday 22nd December 2014 and will reopen on Monday 5th January 2014.Any urgent queries can be redirected via email to secretariat@issu.ie

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Adverse Weather: 6th European School Student Convention "Healthy, safe and sustainable educational environment... designing the school of tomorrow"

The National Executive of the Irish Second-Level Students' Union wish to advise:Due to health and safety reasons, the 6th European School Student Convention "Healthy, safe and sustainable educational environment... designing the school of tomorrow" due to take place in Dublin from 3rd to 8th December has been cancelled due to the current adverse weather conditions. This decision was taken at 4.00pm on December 2nd by the ISSU following talks with the Board and Convention Prep Team of the Organising Bureau of European School Students Unions.It is our intention to re-schedule this event to take place from Friday 14th to  Wednesday 19th January 2011
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CAO Deadline looming

Reduced rate to register in Round 1 for CAO online applications closes @ 5.15pm on January 20th... don't leave it until the last minute. Apply online now... it saves time.If you are applying for restricted courses, you need to apply now.  www.cao.ie

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