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Junior Cert Review


Well, now that Science is done it's... SUMMER!I have now finished my Junior Certificate! Hurray! Six and a half days. Thirty plus (I think!) hours of non-stop writing, to examine three years' of work. What a week.To be honest, the Mocks were a lot more nerve wrecking than the real thing! The Junior Cert felt just like the Mocks; it was quite familiar and just a little more official.I am so glad that it is over, now. I am also glad I don't do Music or some subject along those lines that will take me in to an extra week!I think my best subject was Business. I answered every question, so here's hoping! I feel I did worst in either Irish, French or Maths! Oh dear. Anyways, we'll find out in September.The Junior Cert was a great experience. Each break time, my friends and I would always have a great laugh - I thought we'd be stressing out and cramming last minute! Doing blogs with the ISSU has been a great experience, also!Now, roll on Summer! I live in Galway, so I have the Volvo Ocean Race to look forward to!So, I wish everyone an awesome (and safe) Summer!


Hi all!Wow this feels weird, I AM FINISHED :DI can honestly say the Junior Cert wasn't what I expected! I thought I was going to be a nervous wreck and I wasn't. I thought it would be really formal and stuffy and it wasn't! Some people were so laid back about it! I can honestly tell anyone reading this is that if they have exams next year, study hard! It all pays off and September isn't too far off for me with my results!! :) Good luck everyone!

 Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates

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