2017 Exam Blog, Uncategorised admin 2017 Exam Blog, Uncategorised admin

History - #JC2017 - Luke Casserly

 Luke Casserly - St. Mel's CollegeHistory is by far my favourite subject, so I was looking forward to this paper.I started off with Q6 and did Social Change in the 20th Century which I feel is pretty much common sense, I just hope I wasn't too vague! Then I did International Relations in the 20th Century which was grand - it's probably my favourite part of the course.After that I answered all of the short questions, the Document question and the source question which were very straight forward. Then, I started into Q4, People in History. I was raging to find out my favourites, Martin Luther and George Washington didn't come up but I settled for picking "A person who received land in a named plantation" for A and "A person working in a factory or coal mine during the industrial revolution" for B. I regret not doing these earlier as I was running out of time and ended up having to rush them. I'm just hoping I put enough in to pick up the marks! I finished off by really quickly by doing the picture question which was straight forward like usual.Overall I'm really happy with history! I just hope I put enough into my people in history answers!!Check out more exam blogs here: http://issu.ie/the-issu-exam-blogs-2017/Want to win a €100 One4All gift card? Fill out this survey: https://docs.google.com/a/issu.ie/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSffcmquGrgDKNJYdU9wnsBNSWGu8jwEHv6gGdik-y0KtcgnMw/viewform#StateExams2017

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2017 Exam Blog, Uncategorised admin 2017 Exam Blog, Uncategorised admin

French - #JC2017 - Luke Casserly

Luke Casserly - St. Mel's CollegeI've done pretty well in French since first year so I wasn't overly worried about todays paper.It all started with the listening which I always find pretty tricky. An annoying echo in the hall made it even trickier. I think I coped well though! Section A and B were very easy but it got a little bit harder from there!Overall, the comprehensions were nice and I feel I done very well in them, but there were a couple of very hard questions in the last few extracts which I ended up having to guess.The written expression went good. I. flew through the note but stumbled with a couple of the points in the letter. I threw in a few nice phrases which I hope saved me!I'm happy with how French went and I'm looking forward to seeing the result!#StateExams2017

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CSPE - #JC2017 - Luke Casserly

Luke Casserly - St. Mel's CollegeSo CSPE was nice and handy like I expected! The short questions were very simple. The first buildings question was linked with the pillars of CSPE which I think threw a few people off. The rest were grand, except for a fill in the blank question asking for the second name of the new UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, I was happy to get it after seeing him on the news a few days ago, but Ban Ki-Moon lovers were heartbroken.The next section involved answering questions on various documents, which again were handy.For my long question, I chose question one which was based around Age Action Ireland. I felt this was the easiest one to choose and worked out really well because it was very like ones we practiced in class.Overall I'm really happy with CSPE and hoping for the A!

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English - #JC2017 - Luke Casserly

Luke Casserly - St. Mel's CollegeMy first State Exam ever!! I've been pretty nervous about the English exam since the mock, as it was a massive disaster! I left four whole questions unanswered, while my last answer was not much more than a few illegible scribbles.However, I feel very happy with how the exam went today! I managed to get all questions completed and this time around, my frantic scribbles were a tiny bit readable! I flew through the first two questions on the documentary and poster. They were a nice easy way to start. After that, I was nervous about time so went through the questions very fast - So fast I'm struggling to think what questions actually came up. I was happy to see the nice poetry question pop up. I used Lovers on Aran which I had just studied the night before so I was delighted. I spent a good bit of time doing a good dialogue on the last question, which asked you to write about a confrontation between an adult and a teenager.I feel this went a lot better than the mock and am looking forward to seeing the result!

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