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Meet Our Officers: Cárthach Ó Faoláin, Deputy President

carthach My name is Cárthach Ó Faoláin and I currently hold the position ofDeputy President in the Union. I come from the Rinn Ó gCuanachGaeltacht village in Co. Waterford where I attended both primary andsecondary schools; Scoil Náisiúnta na Rinne and Meánscoil San Nioclás.I recently moved to Cork City to study Law & Irish in UniversityCollege Cork.Previous to being elected last Spring, I had been active and remain tobe active in the Youth Empowerment/Youth Work scene locally andnationally. From the beginning of my secondary education I was amember of 'Waterford County (later a joint Waterford group) Comhairlena nÓg' where I sat on the National Executive (alongside our PresidentJane as it happens, who represented Cork County). Following my termending in Comhairle na nÓg I was invited to join the working group,the National Implementation team for Structured Dialogue in Ireland-'Young Voices' by a former Nat. Exec. facilitator. Here we work onimplementing EU youth policy in Ireland.Young Voices provided me with many opportunities to gain experienceand represent young people, such as speaking at many events aroundIreland, and most excitingly, I was selected to be one of three IrishYouth Delegates at the 2016 EU Youth Conference in Amsterdam,Netherlands last April, and will represent Irish young people again inKosice in Slovakia in October.Educational interests include Culture, Language, Education Reform andHealthy lifestyle and I hope to work on these themes during my term asDeputy President.

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