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Leaving Cert History

Sheila - Higher Level

 Well that was an intense 2hours and 50minutes. I was so nervous for history today it was the subject I was praying the right questions came up and I was having visions of going in and not being able to answer a thing. On top of that I got caught in traffic and got into the hall at 3 minutes to 2. Any way, The document question as hoped and expected was Katanga and I'm sure it was such a relief not seeing Race Relations on the paper. The cartoon was easily deciphered and the questions were all manageable. I did struggle with the strengths and weaknesses of a visual document but overall it was good and the context of the question was easy. Then Northern Ireland, I chose the Welfare State. Thank god I had looked over it well because I would have struggled with the other questions in that section as Sunningdale did not make an appearance. For Topic 3 I chose the De Valera question which I assume is what a lot of people did ? I found it okay and was happy with the essay in the end. I don't do Dictatorship and Democracy like most , we studied America and the questions were challenging. Everyone was banking on the moon landing McCarthyism and maybe Detente none of which made an appearance. The normal standard Johnson was teamed with Truman this year which will have definitely have thrown people off. I chose that one as the best of a bad lot. I'd love to know what other people thought because some friends of mine thought it was awful and others said it was great. What do you all think ?  Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.

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