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Junior Certificate Religion

Kate - Higher Level DSC04118 (1)

Over the last few days my study has been focused on History, German and Science so I had not put any effort into Religion. This was a mistake and I knew it was but to me science, history and German require more work and matter more. After science, I spent two hours cramming the religion curriculum into my head. Entering the exam I was very stressed. Once I opened the paper it was not nearly as bad as I anticipated. It wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible.I flicked through the paper and circled the questions I would do and wrote some small bullet points for each question. I started the paper; short questions - easy, picture question - okay, document question - impossible. I had to forget about that and leave it to the end. I was so confused about stewardship, was it the CSPE stewardship or a different kind? I moved on and did questions 3,4,5 and 6. I thought that these questions were a lot easier than 1 and 2 (plus they were questions that you could waffle you way through). I then answered the essay question on how faith influences the lives of believers. I thought this was a wonderful question and produced a five page essay about Islam and it's impact on the lives of Muslims. Finally I returned to the document and painfully went through it. I tried my best and think I produced a good exam considering the study I did.

Philip - Higher Level Philip Crowe. Abbey CBS

Now this is an exam everyone did a lot of study for! (sarcasm, so, so much sarcasm) Anyway I got short questions done quickly and I think I got at least ten. Next I did section two and I did every part so I had a spare. This was mostly total bullology but that's what the examiners want! Then I moved on to section 3. This went ok and I think I did some pretty good answers. Next I did section 4 question 1, 4, 5 and 6. These are usually the hardest questions in the paper and although this was still true I think all in all I did well enough.Finally I did section 5 and I did question 2 on Jesus and the type of Messiah that was expected. I did just under a page and a half. Then I had about five minutes to spare and I went back and started question 2 on section 4 but I didn't get that finished.Good look everyone whose doing home ec or German tomorrow, my next(and last) exam is tg so good luck to everyone doing TG and woodwork on Monday.!Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.Zeminar is an event for Generation Z, particularly those aged between 15 and 19, and their parents, teachers, mentors and coaches. It will take place from 11th - 13th of October 2016. For more information see www.zeminar.ieZeminar cover image

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Leaving Certificate Religion

Leah - Higher Level

Hello hello, long time no see! I expect you're all feeling well and happy today because it is the final day of exams. I realise that the vast majority of you may have been finished for quite some time. For me on the other hand though, I had 9 days leading up to the final day. As the 19th got closer and closer, I could feel my skin crawl. I was itching to be finished with the aul' before it even started.Anyway, so I woke up this morning with just under 2 hours sleep under my belt and I could tell that today was going to be both the best day of my life and worst. Note: this may or may not be a bit of an exaggeration. Anyhow, when I got to my exam centre, I could feel all of my nerves in the pit of my stomach, lying in there like a pile of rocks. When I finally opened the Religion Paper, however, I felt a bit of relief.The paper itself was tough - I'm not going to lie. I mean, the way I look at Religion as a subject is that the questions are always disguised as fact-based questions but all they are truly looking for is for you to praise some higher being. That's just my opinion though, I could be wrong. I'm not an examiner, after all.For me, the questions were a bit confusing so I started on what I thought I knew best - Unit Three. I did Section I: The Irish Experience as my elective and that question was fairly handy. I then moved onto Unit Two and that one was somewhat more difficult. I got through it though and finished Unit One by the skin of my teeth. I really was blessed, in that sense.I remember when it came to my Religion Mock Exam and I was so tight on time but I felt really comfortable time-wise this time around. I'm just praying I got at least a C2 now. I did a good project though so that will help. It's all in God's hands now though.Please note: Blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union.

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Junior Certificate Religion

Gearóid - Higher Level

I came into the exam after a long science and a two and a half hour lunch, I wandered into the religion exam hoping for the best. I started with the short questions which I found quite simple. The picture question was the same as usual, and the document was somewhat easier than earlier years.In the long questions, I did the Communities of Faith, Question of Faith, Celebration of Faith, and The Moral Challenge questions. I found I had the ability to complete these. Sadly I didn't realise the time passing and I had spent one hour at these.As the long question worth seventy marks, I had only left fifteen minutes to complete this. I wrote slightly over one page on question one on Northern Ireland which incorporated the two Christian denominations of Catholicism and Protestantism.Overall, I enjoyed this paper, not too different to the past papers, I hope it shows in September.Please note: Blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union.

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