NSE, 2019/2020, event ISSU NSE, 2019/2020, event ISSU

S.A.M.E Summer Academy and GA in Lübeck!

S.A.M.E is the Solidarity Action Day Movement in Europe.

It is a network of youth organisations from across Europe that organise a Solidarity Action Day. This is a day in which students trade school for a workplace for one day to raise money to benefit a chosen youth organisation.

This year as ISSU is getting more involved with SAME our International Officer Nadine Toye & Equality Officer Eric Ehigie attended the SAME Summer School and General Assembly in Lübeck, Germany for 10 days.

They learned a lot of substantial information relating to how other student unions operate in Europe. They took part in informative activities and workshops and were given the chance to explore the beautiful city.

At the Summer School & GA they got the chance to see how the Solidarity Action Day (SAD) positively impacts the countries that hold it. They got to ask hundreds of questions to representatives from Belgium, Italy, Germany, Serbia and even more!

Nadine and Eric came back from the trip more inspired than ever and are sure this is something the ISSU can implement into Ireland and make it as big as it is across Europe, so you’ll definitely be hearing the name again!

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