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A Guide to the CAO Change of Mind Process

If you have already submitted an application form, you can submit a Change of Mind form to the CAO.  You can change the level 8 and or level 6/7 courses from your original application, except for restricted application courses/restricted categories of applicant (see page 4 of the CAO handbook).

How do I do it?

Log onto www.cao.ie and complete the process there.  There is no charge, you can do it more than once, and the closing date is July 1st at 5:15pm.  We recommend that you keep a record of any submissions until you receive confirmation of any changes from the CAO in the post.


What if I don’t want to change my application?

Don’t complete a change of mind form; you don’t need to take any action.


Will I receive confirmation?

Yes – if you do not receive this by the 7th of July, contact the CAO immediately.  You will need to provide proof that you submitted a change of mind form.


Where can I find out more?

The CAO website – www.cao.ie

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LC Viewing Scripts and Rechecks

Viewing Scripts

Will I be able to view my scripts this year?

Yes. The Viewing of Marked Scripts process provides Leaving Certificate Candidates with an opportunity to see how the script in question was marked. Each candidate will be allowed to bring one other person with him/her to the viewing session.Will I have access to my oral and practical marks?Only the scripts from the written and aural examinations are returned for viewing. However, the results of all examination components including written, oral, aural and practical components are re-marked on appeal.Is it essential that I view my scripts if I wish to appeal?No. An appeal application may be made without having viewed the script. However, the viewing facility provides a candidate, who may feel that his/her grade does not fully reflect his/her performance on the day of the examination, with an opportunity to see how the marking scheme was applied to the work.Can anyone else view my script?Only if they are accompanying you to the viewing. As the candidate concerned you must first decide whether or not you wish to view a script and then you must be present in person at the viewing centre in order to do so. Your scripts will not be released to any other person even with your permission. You may wish to take particular note of this requirement when making holiday arrangements.Where can I view my scripts?Marked scripts will be returned to the examination centre where you sat your examinations.How do I apply to view scripts?Application forms for Viewing Scripts are issued by the Commission to schools and other education providers together with the Leaving Certificate results. The forms are personalised and will show your exam details including your subjects. If you decide you would like to view a particular script(s) you mark the form accordingly. You must return the completed form to the school by Tuesday, 23rd August 2011. If you are an external candidate, your personalised application form will be sent to you with your results. The completed form should be returned directly to the school named on your personalised application form by the closing date of Tuesday 23rd August 2011.Is there a fee for this service?No. This service is provided to candidates without charge.What happens next?The Organising Superintendent appointed by the Commission to your school will assign you to a viewing sessions. The viewing sessions for the 2011 examinations are as followsSession 1.   Friday, 2nd September 2011 6.00 pm to 9.00 pmSession 2.   Saturday, 3rd September 2011 9.00 am to 12.00 noon.Session 3.   Saturday, 3rd September 2011 from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm.What else do I need to know about viewing my marked script(s)?Click here to download the detailed information note for candidates viewing marked scripts.


What is the procedure for appealing results?The Commission will provide your school or education with a personalised appeal application form. In the case of external candidates the form will be enclosed with your results. This form is designed so that you can indicate the subject(s) you wish to appeal.What is the appeal fee?The fees for appealing a result in a subject in the certificate examinations are as follows:Leaving Certificate Established €40 per subjectLeaving Certificate Applied €15.50 per subjectAppeal fees must be paid in advance and will be refunded to you if your result is upgraded. The refund will be made through your school if you are entered by a school.How do I pay my appeal fee?If you decide to appeal, your appeal is clearly important to you. You alone have control over, and responsibility for, the vital first steps in making a valid appeal:use the giro/internet form provided, ensuring it is correctly completed.return it on time to the School/Organising Superintendent.Bank Giro facility: Your personalised appeal application form and associated bank giro form contains a unique reference number which enables the Commission to trace your payment and match it with your appeal application when it is received from your school. You should take the form to a bank and pay the fee through the bank giro facility. The form duly stamped by the bank should then be returned to the school so that your scripts can be associated with it and forwarded to the Commission. Please ensure that you use the bank giro form provided by the Commission. If you use a bank giro slip provided by the bank (which does not have a unique identifier) it may delay or totally invalidate your appeal because it could prove exceedingly difficult to subsequently establish that you actually paid the appropriate fee.Internet facility: When you have completed your appeal application procedure on the Internet you will be provided with a Form (which you must print) showing the subject(s) which you have opted to appeal. This Form should then be returned to the school so that your scripts can be associated with it and forwarded to the Commission.The On Line Appeals service will be available on the 26th August.If you are an external candidate (E10) you should return your personalised appeal application form/Internet form to the Organising Superintendent at the centre where you viewed your scripts so that he/she can forward your appeal application to the Commission with the script(s) concerned.What is the appeal closing date?The closing date for receipt of completed appeal applications for the 2011 Leaving Certificate Examinations is 5.30 pm on Wednesday, 7th September 2011. The closing date for Junior Certificate appeals will be announced at a later dateOutside of the formal appeal process, what can I do if, on viewing a script, I see what I believe is a clear discrepancy between the mark awarded and the grade awarded?In the event that you discover a clear and substantial discrepancy between the mark awarded and the grade awarded, you should ask the Organising Superintendent at the location where you viewed your scripts for a Form AP1 and complete it in accordance with the instructions. The Organising Superintendent will attach this form to your script and send it to the Commission in Athlone where it will receive immediate attention.You should note that this facility applies only where it is clear that the total mark awarded is inconsistent with the grade awarded and where the matter can be resolved administratively (i.e. without recourse to the question paper or the marking scheme).The test therefore for what can receive immediate attention after the viewing of scripts is a very rigorous one. Any issue of interpretation regarding disallowed questions, computation of marks within questions and in the script, in relation to the application of the marking scheme, or claims that work has not been fully marked can be resolved only through the formal appeal process and the re-application of the marking scheme by an appeal examiner.Candidates who opt for this administrative facility should be aware that, because of the short time interval involved, they are unlikely to know the outcome in relation to their claim before the passing of the appeal deadline. It may be prudent, therefore, to lodge a formal appeal, so that in the event that the point raised is not upheld, or requires interpretation by an Examiner, you will not have denied yourself access to the appeals process because of the passing of the appeal deadline.[issuu width=550 height=390 showHtmlLink=false documentId=110817104817-0ab6da68e2904b84b84abc8713cce2f2 name=a11 username=issu4u tag=education unit=px id=e40eab5e-c721-fab4-22bf-b7fc496db2f4 v=2]

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