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With the support of Conradh na Gaeilge, the ISSU will be running upcoming events in early February in Galway and later in Dublin to report on what Students think of Secondary Education through the Irish language in Gaelcholáistí and in Second-Level Schools in Gaeltacht Regions.The ISSU are delighted to be able to run this event through Irish as more than half of the NSE can speak Irish with proficiency! We hope that Students enjoy meeting others who choose to study through the medium of the national language, discuss common themes and issues and hopefully the ISSU will find out what's needed to improve education through Irish-language and to support these students as much as we can! Ag súil go mór leis! Bígí ann!Register here: https://form.jotform.com/70155317845962

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2012 Exam Blog, JC Blog (2012) admin 2012 Exam Blog, JC Blog (2012) admin

Junior Cert Business

David - Higher Level

Hi all, just back from business paper 2, I had both papers today and despite not doing much study besides cramming last night, I think I did pretty well! The exams weren't easy or tough, they were okay.Paper 1:Paper 1 has the short questions as well and I did okay on this. I got two wrong I think, and a third which I'm not sure of. All in all, the short questions were grand. On this paper I did Q1,2,3,4 and 6, so that's 5 instead of four. I was happy with the questions and flew through Q1/Q2/Q4 (household budget, club accounts and Economics) then Q4 and Q6 were a little slower but still less time than recommended. I don't know if that's good or bad! Oh well, I looked over all the questions again, made a few adjustments and left about a half an hour early.Paper 2:On this I did Q2/Q3/Q4/Q5 and Q6, so again, that's one extra. I was happy with this paper, they could have made it a lot harder! Q1 Business documents and bookkeeping took me like 10 minutes :P Q2 Cash flow forecast I flew through also, it was like a shorter version of household budget, this took me about 15 minutes. Then Q4/Q5/Q6 (final accounts, credit sales and bad debts, finance and report writing). None of these were hard but they all took a little bit extra, again I was finished about an hour early and looked over them again for about a half an hour.. again, not sure if that's good or bad, I guess I'll find out in September! I was happy with this paper though and it went well. :D


Jack - Higher Level

PAPER ONE.Ah, business. Possibly my strongest subject.Paper One was very good. Section A (the short questions) were very fair. Nothing unexpected came up. I feel I did quite well.Section B was surprisingly easy.Question 1 was a nice revised budget. Nothing unexpected here. Luckily, it balanced first time!Question Two was a Club Account. Nothing unexpected came up. The Balance Sheet had been predicted by many. My accounts balanced on the first go!Question 3 was a lovely economics question. Once again, no surprises. I feel I did well.Question 4 was a very easy consumer question. I had it done in a short space of time.At this point, I had my four questions done. With just under an hour left, I tackled the remaining two as back ups.Question 5 was great. Just filling in a sheet!Question 6 was probably the hardest, yet still easy.Overall, Paper One was a very fair paper. It was quite easy to me.PAPER TWO.I quickly skim read the paper. To my delight, no ratios!I began with a lovely business documents question - Question 2. It was quite fair.I moved to Question 3 next. This was a great cash flow forecast. It balanced first time!I decided to tackle Question 6 next. It was great to see they included the template for a report! This was a lovely, fair question.I now had to pick my fourth question. I opted for Question 4. I had practiced final accounts over and over. It balanced first time sound!With another while to spare, I went to Question 5. This was an okay question.I turned my attention to Question 1. Books of First Entry. I had originally planned to do this as one of my first four, but chickened out! I did it through at a slow, calm pace. It didn't balance! I checked every single figure to find I put a figure on the Dr when it should have been Cr! But then it balanced!Overall, Paper Two was a very fair paper to all, it seems.I am extremely happy with how I did! Now to cram for History and French. My weakest subjects... Good luck!

Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.

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