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Maths P1 - #JC2017 - Diego Brule

Diego Brule - Colaiste Einde Salthill GalwayHigher Level

If I previously said that I wasn't prepared at all for English, for Maths it was the complete opposite (I completed all my maths EDCO past exam papers). I was very looking forward to this exam as I had complete confidence in all its topics, except in sequences. And guess what topic was 3 out of 15 questions in the exam? Sequences.But still, I managed to finish all questions with 50 minutes to spare, so I used this extra time to go back to these confusing sequence questions to smooth out whatever messy maths I had already done, and it went surprisingly well. This is in no small part thanks to the log book, which provided me with a beautiful formula for a 4-part question that otherwise I would've left completely blank.So after this rather uneventful test which was easier than I expected, I signed out 15 minutes before the exam was over and went over to my friend to discuss the hard questions, only to destroy my perfectionist hopes. I walked out of the exam feeling I scored a good 95%-98%, and then after talking to him I realised I probably already lost around 10% in stupid mistakes. And by stupid, I don't mean not knowing how to do the maths, I mean reading a question wrong and doing a completely irrelevant set of maths. Maybe this explains why I found it so easy?But oh well, I'm making these kind of mistakes ever since 1st grade (I think it's called 1st class here?). Hopefully one day I'll learn to read.All my hopes and dreams now with paper 2, which in my opinion, is the easier of the two. (Anyone wanna teach me how to read from here to Monday?)#JC2017 #StateExams #ISSU17
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Leaving Cert Physics

Shahed - Higher Level

What a lovely paper! I was nervous before going into the exam but it turns out, there was no need to be. Everything that I'd studied had come up!The section A questions were lovely, especially the Joules' law question. I also did the refractive index and the speed of sound in air questions, both of which were nice, too.In section B, I found the most challenging question to be the one about Particle Physics. It's a simple topic, but the questions were a little odd. Thankfully, there's a lot of choice in the exam, so this didn't set me back. The Nuclear Physics, Mechanics, Electricity and Light questions were all straight forward. I found that I had time to do an extra question, which never happens to me in Physics, so I must have done something right!Physics has always been one of my favourite subjects, so I couldn't be happier with how it went. To anyone else who still has exams left, good luck! The end is in sight.

 Please note: this post reflects the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the Irish Second-Level Students' Union

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Think B4 You Post

Safer Internet Day is organised by Insafe each year in February to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially amongst children and young people across the world. The topic for 2010 is "Think B4 U post!".In 2009 Safer Internet Day was celebrated through 500 events in 50 countries all over the world. The NCTE coordinate events in Ireland. Stay safe online, don't do something you would regret. ISSU advises the NCTE in Internet Safety through their Youth Advisory Panel and directly to the Department of Education in our role on the ICT steering and advisory group.[pro-player width='530' height='253' type='video']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylh1zzeICDM&feature=player_embedded[/pro-player]

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