Vote at 16


The National Student Executive of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union (ISSU) regrets the decision that has been made to disregard holding a referendum for the lowering of our voting age. Despite previous recommendations from the constitutional convention and Government promises made in 2013, a referendum on this matter will not take place in conjunction with the two referenda which are due to take place later this year.Speaking this afternoon, Craig McHugh (President) said;"This is extremely disappointing. We and other youth organisations have been preparing and working towards this referendum. There is a growing appetite among young people to influence real democracy and to contribute to shaping our country by voting at a younger age. Conversations and discussions need to take place on this matter. We cannot ignore what young people want from their country and this question should be put to the public for decision. We will continue to campaign on lowering the voting age to 16". ***ENDS***Contact:ISSU main office 01 443 4461


Blog: ISSU President


Christmas Break