We Want YOU! "Into the Workforce" Consultation Group Needs Your Input!

The ISSU is a close partner with many of the trade unions in Ireland, bridging the link between student and workers ‘ rights and ensuring that school students are educated about their rights in the workplace.

In the past, the ISSU has collaborated with the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) on its annual “Skills Academy for Future Leaders”, as well as working with individual unions on an ad-hoc basis. In 2017 the ISSU collabprated with SIPTU on the #MyRightsAtWork campaign, giving second students access to advice services for free.

Now SIPTU, the largest trade union in Ireland, have created a 'Work Prep' workshop which outlines all of the most important and valuable information that young people need to know before they head into the workforce. It covers topics like claiming back emergency tax, your rights with regard to pay and conditions etc.. 


Before this workshop is ready to go out to schools SIPTU are looking to recruit 15 young people to trial the workshop first and to give feedback. It is vitally important that students input to this, to ensure it is exactly what we require.

A consultation group meeting will take place this Saturday 23rd November in Liberty Hall, Dublin. The meeting will run from 10am to 1pm, with transport costs reimbursed.

To express you interest, or if you have any questions, please email Deputy President Chloe at chloe.griffin@issu.ie

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History Is Here To Stay


Call for Constitution Reform Working Group!