Apply to be the Waterford - South Tipperary Regional Officer!

Regional Officer Co-Option.png

Following the election of Emer Neville to the National Student Executive, the ISSU is looking to co-opt a new Regional Officer for the Waterford - South Tipperary Region. 

The position of Regional Officer is open to any second-level student in an ISSU member school in the Waterford - South Tipperary Region. The term will last until December 2020. 

The role of a Regional Officer in the ISSU is to represent the students and student councils in that region, and to bring their views into the work of the ISSU. Regional Officers also work on engagement and growth of membership in the region, and help to organise and chair the Regional Council in the autumn time. 

Regional Officers will also be given support and training to work on their own regional projects. This aspect of the role has been delayed due to COVID-19, however we are hopeful that individual projects can be supported before the end of the Regional Officer term. 

The ISSU Constitution outlines the role as follows;


4.1. To promote and defend student voice of the ISSU membership in that region.  


4.2. To coordinate the delivery of Student Council training in their regions  


4.3. To organise annual Regional Councils  


4.4. To recruit new members for the ISSU.  

 4.5 To organise cluster meetings of student councils in their region.  


4.6 To maintain contacts and relationships with students in each member school in the region and use these links to communicate ISSU events, campaigns projects and initiatives.  


The ISSU invites candidates to apply for the role before June 6thhere:

Applicants may be invited to interview following the review of applications.


Call for Trustee with Fundraising experience


Registration for the Department of Education Student Portal opens today