Leaving Certificate Biology

Lorraine - Higher Level

Hi all! :) Well I'm just out of Biology and I have to admit I am fairly disappointed. As someone who has never been mad on Biology but gotten good grades after the mocks I really kicked myself even though I got a B and I attackedBiology properly. I did every exam paper, repeatedly went through on line videos, wrote out notes and flashcards and really tried to drill it into my head but that exam was awful. First of all, I didn't even know where to start with the short questions!! The last one, Q6, was literally 2 definitions that I have never seen before! I made a stab at them but I know my answers were wrong. I'm normally a big banker on Section A and Section B to pull me through Biology but today, I was really let down. The section A questions just seemed very different than other years and I was really disappointed.Section B was ok enough, although I completely forgot about the diagrams for fungi reproduction! :P Section C though I can honestly say I found really really hard. I always try and skip genetics because me and the crosses just do not work together but today I actually had to do genetics question because I was lost on the paper.After the exam from talking to everyone else, everyone thinks that we were really unlucky with a really horrible paper. I have to say I'm really disappointed as I had started to enjoy Biology but at this point in time, I'm hoping I at least got a D-C because that was an awful paper!I'm going to go cram some History and French for tomorrow- I think only an hour break betweenthese papers is ridiculous!

Joanna - Higher Level

It was a long paper and although parts got me stuck, thankfully there is always some choice, so I think I did well in it. The time in Biology is not tight at all, so it's grand in terms of taking your time with everything and then reading back over it.I found the first section easy enough. The second one, I answered the questions that were needed and then I did one extra in the last section. The paper seemed a bit different to me than papers in previous years, but maybe its just the sleep deprivation from the last two nights. There was a picture e of a dogs teeth on one page and a reflex arc (my favourite) on another. I don't know, I was so tired going in to the exam, all I can remember is writing answers and then cycling home... Thank god these last two days are over. Two exams per day, twice in a row should not be happening! Well, I'm finally over half way there (7 exams out of 11 done) so I'm delighted that the end of these exams is near :)

Isabelle - Higher Level

Biology has always been one of my better subjects, but due to being overwhelmed and and overtired as well as a lack of preparation my mock result didn't reflect that at all, and so I made sure I was prepared for today! I left Irish a bit early and went to cram as many definitions as I could!I thought the paper couldn't have suited me any better to be honest, everything I had crammed came up and everything I had avoided was avoidable (and also that guy who predicts papers on YouTube got the experiments spot on, shout out to him for saving me today) I came out of the paper feeling pleased that I had done as much as I could have done, and I know I certainly improved on my mock grade!However, the majority of my friends didn't feel this way at all, and I certainly can see how many people came out unhappy! Weird topics came up together (reproductive system with nervous system) and some of the questions were phrased really oddly too! I guess with such a big course it really is the luck of the draw and you can't learn everything, but seeing as so many people found it difficult lets just pray for a nice marking scheme.

Leah - Higher Level

Oh lord. Where to even begin with Biology. After that thrilling and soothing morning with such a beautiful Irish Paper, I will admit that I may have gotten too laid back. Biology brought me right back to the terrors of exams though. I am not even ashamed to admit that I wanted to cry over the paper.My entire paper was nothing less than a train wreck; partially because of the paper and partially because Biology is my worst subject. The Paper made me feel like I had done no study all year - not effective study anyway. The only consolation in that entire question were the Ecology sections. Apart from that though, I spent at least an hour and a half of the three hour long exam staring at the blanks on my paper. I feel like Irish Paper II worked against us to trick us into a sense of false security and then Biology showed up and shot us all with gamma rays or something. I was even contemplating on whether to take an Ordinary Level exam or not. Maybe I should have.All in all - Biology was a bit of muck. 0/10, would not recommend. It's all over now though. Now I get the sweet bliss of 9 days exam-free, until the 19th where I will have Religion and Japanese. I will of course be back here then to let you all know how they went but, until then, I wish you luck. Catch you on the (almost) flip side.Please note: Blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union.

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Leaving Certificate Irish Paper 2

Rob - Higher Level

Rumours had been going around that we would get a poem or prós that had already been examined, so I spent all this morning learning the facts about the poets of Mo Ghrá-sa and An t-Earrach Thiar, as well as Coldcaradh and Géibheann. I was banking in either Cáca Milis or An Gnáthrud to appear for Prós, it had been a long time since we had studied the other 3 options. I studied A Thig Ná Tit Orm for my Litríocht Breise and I always liked it, except the question in the mock had not been very clear. I was apprehensive going into this exam, as just like English Paper 2, my result would come down to pure chance.I was delighted to see the options come up as they did. I found both of the comprehensions relatively clear and easy to understand. Even the grammar questions were not too hard to find. The topics were interesting and I had followed the "One Young World" conference when it was happening last year, so I knew what the topic was about.The question for Cáca Milis about Catherine was straightforward, as were the three for Colscaradh. While I found the question on Maidhc's interest in football and music to be a bit limiting. In "A Thug Ná Tit Pen", I'm fairly satisfied with the answer I wrote.Overall I'm quite surprised how straight forward both the papers in Irish were his year. Since it seems most people feel the same, I'm wondering now how strict the marking scheme will be. We're past the halfway point, only five more exams to go!

Joanna - Higher Level

I woke up with my stomach in a knot this morning. I was tired and had two tough exams to get through. Thankfully, it was early enough to eat, do some revision and then cycle peacefully to school, so by the time I arrived I was a lot calmer. Many thanks to Rob for his tip on Pros and Filiocht, it saved me a lot of nerves in the morning!I was hoping for a nice character question for "An Triail" and it came up (woo) so I did that first. Then Caca Milis and Colacaradh. I left the comprehensions till last and just highlighted answers in the texts, then re-wrote them in the answer booklet and had just enough time to write out good long answers for the question 6 (b) parts. I was also delighted to see Aimsir Laithreach and Aimsir Fhaistineach in the grammar sections, nothing completely strange or impossible to figure out.Overall, it was a really manageable paper and I was relieved when it was done, although my hand was kinda sore and I was starving!

Lorraine - Ordinary Level

Hey all! :)Sorry I wasn't on yesterday-crazy day! I woke up feeling really sick and not from nervous unfortunately :P Anyway I thought the papers were really nice yesterday exactly what we deserved so today, naturally enough, they had to be horrible, and I think they were! Irish Paper 2 wasn't an exam I can say that I was worried about but I, like many other ordinary level students, only studied the stories and poems that didn't come up last year. In my blissful ignorance I thought sure why would they trick us into putting last years stories this year? And as usual, I was wrong!:PI had spent a long time going over gnathrud last night because our teacher had warned us it was looking like a likely question and it did make an appearance on both mock papers! I wasn't too worried about the poetry and the reading comprehensions. The first comprehension was about Rory McIllroy and I found it easy enough. Next there was a comprehension on Hilary Clinton which was all grand. I couldn't believe my eyes though when I turned the page and saw Oisin IdTir na nOg and Hurlamaboc...I'm not going to lie I actually did check to make sure my paper was 2015. A cruel trick SEC, a very cruel trick! I decided that I'd come back to it when Id got my head around the fact that I had wasted valuable time cramming the wrong stories and I continued onto the poetry. I found the poetry fine- An tEarrach Thiar and Mo Gra Sa Idir luibini- my other prediction! The questions were very straightforward the usual themes. I turned back to the story section after I was finished the poetry and I started Hurlamaboc, I knew my Irish was bad trying to explain it but I did remember the story. Oisin was another problem though and I feel sorry for the examiner correcting it. At the end of the day, they aren't worth enough marks for me to be super upset about so you win some you lose some!! Once I don't start writing Irish during French tomorrow Ill be fine :D

Isabelle - Higher Level

I found myself quite nervous going in to Irish as, like the majority of the country, I was going in with only 2/5 covered for the prós and poetry! But thankfully, paper 2 had been just as nice as paper 1 and everyone was pleased to find colscaradh and cáca milis just had they had suspected! With very nice questions, might I add.For my studied text I did "A Thig na Tit orm", and I found the question a bit tedious. It didn't leave much room for elaboration, but I did my best with what I had prepared! The reading comprehensions were a bit repetitive, although I found the one on "One Young World" quite interesting as I had followed the story of Yeonmi Park before! I had half an hour to spare so I packed up my stuff and ran off to cram as much biology as possible!Overall, I found this years Irish papers very approachable (and predictable thank the lord).

Leah - Higher Level

Well, wasn't today just completely jam packed! My morning began with Irish Paper II, the same as many people. I was forced to rush my way out of my house when I realised I was almost late for my exam after some intense, last minute, frantic revision.I arrived at school in the nick of time and I proceeded to hesitantly open my exam paper, as I had my doubts that I expressed in yesterday's blog post on Irish Paper I. Anyway, as I opened the paper and began to flick through the paper, my smile got bigger and bigger again until I was beaming.The Léamhthuiscints were each dreamy. They were so easy, compared to my mocks! I didn't even mind the Question 6(b)'s - they were the nicest questions of those kinds I've ever seen. Even better than that was that I, for once, could actually comprehend the comprehensions.I continued on to do the question on Cáca Milis and, let me tell you, I breathed a sigh of manic relief. If the question had turned out to be on Seal i Neipeal, I would've walked out of the exam centre. And don't even get me started on how Colscaradh came up! Of my god, we were definitely one of the luckier exam years :)Finally, I went onto the last page and I wasn't too thrilled about the question on An Trial but it wasn't horrible. I was only sorry I ran out of time. Other than that though, I am absolutely delighted with Irish Paper II. Now I only have Japanese to get through in the language department and then we'll all be free to enjoy our summers! Cheers to that.Please note: Blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union.

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Leaving Certificate Maths Paper 2

Rob - Higher Level

I was feeling quite disheartened after the mess I made of Maths Paper 1, however Paper 2 I think will bring my grade up. I knew my theorems and proofs going into the exam so was happy to see two of them on the paper. I think the paper was clear and concise, requiring a lot of thinking but still doable. The latter parts of question 8 (involving sequences and series) were different to what I've seen before, I found them difficult to approach.Overall I'm much happier with paper 2 than paper 1. I think it was a fair yet still challenging paper. On to learning essays for Irish in just over an hour!

Joanna - Higher Level

A few people hinted to me to have a look at theorem eleven before I go into the exam... I try not to listen to tips like that because I hate the idea of gambling at an exam which is going to set me on a track for the next few years. But, I must admit, I did go over how to prove that transversal lines going through three parallels can form a paralellogram and thus it can be proved that they are cut into equal segments... And there you go, it was there!That was the first question I attempted and next the construction, both went smoothly and I had no problems with question one. My memory of the rest of the exam is a bit fuzzy, I do remember my delight at the amount of co-ordinate geometry of the circle and trigonomoetry (I had been revising shapes and circles a lot yesterday I really enjoy puzzling out measurements and points on the co-ordinate plane). Following Joan on her awful attempt at golf was actually alright, and I managed to figure out most of the odd machine part and was just on the last part when time ran out. I sketched a really quick picture of what I was going to find out and put down the formula I would have used, if I had the time. Hopefully that will count for something!Overall I was happy with the paper. Yes, there were parts that I got stuck on, or where the answers I got didn't seem to work out so I had to try again and that's probably how I ran out of time, but I also managed to apply lots of what I knew and I was happy that I filled every blank on the paper. I'm a little unhappy that my aim for this maths was to pass and not to score higher, but for a long time I wasn't confident at all doing the new Project Maths and even now, looking at the sample SEC papers gives me shivers. I'm more enthusiastic about maths today than I was at the start of fifth year, so hopefully the result I get in August will reflect it. Well, I'm fairly confident I didn't fail the papers, so whatever grade comes out, I'll celebrate it. I hope others felt okay about it too :)

Leah - Ordinary Level

Hello all, I hope you're feeling ok after Maths this morning. As I previously stated, I thought Paper I was great but, I have to say - Paper II knocked me about the place. Right from the get go, I had vague ideas on what to do but that was as good as it got. I guess that's what I get for being so cocky about Paper I!I did quite like the last question, it was easy enough and it had a lot of parts to it where you could pick up handy little marks. I liked that a lot as it was a great comfort to me. I'm sorry to say that the rest of the questions were not as nice, however.All in all, maths was ok I thought but I definitely preferred Paper I. I keep referring back to my little mantra though: attempt marks are key! I'm sure we all did our very best and, look at it this way - if Paper I was really that bad, they'd have to bring down the marking Scheme.I'm ecstatic that maths is over now and roll on the remainder of our exams. Keep up the good work and it'll all be over soon :)Please note: Blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union.

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Leaving Certificate Irish Paper 1

Joanna - Higher Level

I was very anxious when we were handed the exam paper. My teacher gave us so many essays to prepare and I had so many coloured cards with all sorts of vocabulary for the exam, I knew it was all too much and reading over it was driving me crazy. I wanted to get the exam out of the way. As much as I tried to relax, I couldn't help but tremble a bit as I could finally turn over the exam paper to start the tape exam. The CD was already playing, and there was little time to read the questions. On top of that, the recordings only played twice. Thankfully, most were easy enough to get, and some of the answers were repeated two or three times within the one recording, so we had many opportunities to listen back to try and figure out the right spelling. I'm not good with accents, so I'm not sure if it was Donegal Irish or something else, but the whole middle section was definitely more difficult to understand. However, I left no blanks and think I did okay. Or at least that's what I kept telling myself to stay calm ahead of the big essay.I was relieved when we could finally look at the essay titles. I went ahead with the one about new technologies since I was looking over cyber bullying just before the exam and could only really talk about drugs and alcohol in terms of sport, which I didn't feel would be enough. Anyway, I think the amount of time given to write that one essay (compared to how tightly packed the second paper is) is ridiculous and although almost everyone was finished long before the exam, the extra time that I had left made me particularly anxious. I finished and had almost an hour to look over. On the one hand, it was nice to have time to read over my work for once during these exams, but on the other, the longer time meant that I wrote more and I'm worried that I made more grammar mistakes than I would have made if I had tried to be more concise.Caithfidh mé admháil, tá mé ar mhuin na muice anois agus an chead páipéir críochnaithe, ach tá imní orm mar i mo bharúil, tá an dara páipéir níos deacra. Beidh an scrúdu bitheolaíocht ann amarach freisin, cinnte go mbeadh sé an lá is measa de na scrúidaithe! Ach tar éis amarach, tá dhá scrúidaithe níos éasca agam, agus níl aon scrúdu agam dé hAoine. Tá plean agam dul go dtí oifig an ISSU chun dearmad a dhéanamh ar na scrúdaithe ar feadh lá amhain agus béidir dul go dtí Stephens Green ag am lón le mo chara. Ansin, caithfidh mé a lán obair a dhéanamh ar feadh deireadh seachtaine, ach beidh mé beagnach críochnaithe, mar sin, tá mé ag súil go mór leis an seachtain seo chugain! :)

Rob - Higher Level

I was apprehensive going into Irish, I had really being focusing on maths over the weekend and only knew a few main phrases for the essay. We had prepared an essay on córas oideachais as well as timpilleacht, and I had written out a piece on the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean a few weeks ago.I'm quite happy with how the listening went, the accents were overall easy to understand and where I didn't know a word I just wrote what I heard. On opening the page with the essay titles I couldn't believe that Córas Oideachais had turned up again as it did in the mocks. The other essay titles were also very broad and what my friends had been preparing for, táillií uisce fit in nicely to one title I remember. There was loads of choice, I think everyone was happy with what they received.As today was my only double day of exams, I'm glad its over. It feels good to be happy with a paper, especially compared to last Friday after maths. Now for Paper 2, hoping the Prós and Dánta that are expected to come up make an appearance!

Isabelle - Higher Level

After the most horrible start to the morning with Maths 2 I found this Irish paper such a treat!The listening was by far one of the easiest I have ever done (please god don’t let it affect the marking scheme!), and the essay topics were so broad that you could nearly fit anything you had prepared in! I panicked a bit when I saw córas oideachais had appeared in the debate section as I have never written a debate before but I was banking on that education system question! However it was quite a relief to have seen that in fact it wasn’t looking for a debate as such but a “píosa caint” for a radio station! Feel slightly better about probably not counting maths now!

Leah - Higher Level

Hello and welcome one and all. Wow, I must say, Irish Paper I was extremely generous! Almost too generous, some may say... Did anyone else get a sense that Paper I was a little bit too easy? Honestly, Paper I for Irish was extremely very kind.Of course, the paper began with a good old fashioned listening - which I, for one, am grateful for. It spoke at a slightly faster than moderate pace and the different accents weren't too hard to decipher. I found part C the most difficult but it wasn't all too bad at all.The Aiste titles though! Oh my god, Question B made my day. Since Fifth Year, my Irish class had a running joke that we were all too focused on the negatives in today's society. One of those negatives that we spoke about at length were alcohol and drugs. You can imagine how happy I was to see "Alcol agus Drugaí: na fadhbanna..." come up as a topic. My one problem with it though was the fact I had so much too say that I crammed it into my first few paragraphs, leaving my conclusion somewhat dry rushed.I thought that Paper was quite a nice on to get, I'm just praying Seal i Neipeal won't come up now. I suspect it will though, seen as the first paper was so broad and nice.Please note: Blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union.

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Leaving Certificate Maths Paper 1

Lorraine - Ordinary Level

Hi all,I hope that your all as outraged as me right now..what on earth was that? Did they accidentally give us the honours maths paper because that was next to impossible!!I woke up to revise the itty bits that really niggle me in paper 1 but generally paper 1 is my okish paper whereas its paper 2 that Is my downfall! I spent a long time on complex numbers and going through the financial maths because they were a long question in the mocks.When I went into school everyone was feeling ok- a lot of revising going on!! When the examiner handed me the exam paper I started to scan through it making myself not rush into anything-my worst habit. I checked through the long questions and was really disappointed- no financial maths. I started back at the first question which was exchange rates- not my best question! The complex numbers question was like a different language - they brought cos into it!! I fought with myself in the exam not to panic or freak out but jesus Christ that was a horrible exam.After the exam from talking to everybody else, nobody seems to be happy with it! Some of the questions were just strange and some of them I had never seen on the sample papers never mind past papers!! I have to admit I am really disappointed and extremely worried now as paper 2 is my awful paper! At least I have the weekend to spend cramming on it and trying to get a half decent result!!

Leah - Ordinary Level

Out of all of the exams I've done so far, I was absolutely chuffed to pieces with the Paper! As soon as I opened Maths Paper I today, I could hardly contain my glee. The Paper opened with an easy enough questions about financial maths, like currency conversions and so on and - boy! I may be one of the few people to admit that I actually liked Maths.When I dropped to Ordinary Level Maths after Christmas of Fifth Year, I felt full of worry that I would get a horrible Paper in the Leaving - simply because I didn't know what to expect from the terrifying "Project Maths". However, I believe that this years Paper is the nicest one I've seen yet, including the Sample Papers that came in Examit's set of Past Exam Papers.In fairness though, I heard off many of my friends that they hated Question Eight and Nine and I have to agree but always remember; attempt marks are key! Attempt marks will be and are my blessing. With attempt marks alone you can pass Maths, which is nice considering the fact that it's either a subject you get or not at all. It just goes to show: everybody loves a trier.The only other question that stumped me was the second question to do with Co-Ordinate Geometry but I guess no one can be good at everything.Honestly, roll on Maths Paper II because I am feeling ecstatic. I'm as happy as Larry with what came up and I hope that the next people will be just as sweet! :)

Neil - Ordinary Level

After talking to many others, the general consensus seems to be that ordinary maths paper 1 was very difficult for an ordinary maths paper. I particularly found the question on sequences very difficult and honestly I thought oil barons earned more money lolOverall though, I think it was a very easy paper to pass as the question As were very simple and straight forward yet it was a hard paper to get an A1 in due to the Cs being challenging. Gods speed for paper 2 to all my fellow ordinary huns.

Shauna - Ordinary Level

Going into maths I wasn't too worried because I'm in pass and probably won't count it for points! I didn't study for it much last night as I had Honours Geography this morning and was stressed to the max about that! I went in just hoping for some nice questions though! Question 1 was about money exchange so that was grand! It all went down hill from there :(( I found the questions in the middle of the paper IMPOSSIBLE!!! I spent so long trying to figure out what I was being asked to do! The last 2 questions were do-able, although the very last part of the last question wasn't worded very well. I came out of the exam fairly depressed because I thought I would do well in maths, but found out that everyone found the paper soooo difficult so hopefully it'll be marked easy enough! LIVING FOR ATTEMPT MARKS !

Joanna - Higher Level

Ah, when I opened the paper and saw that there was no sign of DeMoivre's theorem or proof by induction, it felt like my prayers were answered! I was dreading seeing them, I spent the whole dull morning looking over them and trying to drill the steps into my head, without much progress. The fact that they weren't there was a massive relief and I felt ready to tackle anything else that may be on the paper.Looking over the questions, they looked challenging but didn't make me panic, and I found the first two questions were really manageable which helped me to stay calm (I even managed to get an answer in surd form for question two as was asked, so I was delighted!) the whole paper wasn't easy, I particularly struggled in finishing the last 3 questions. However, I put something down for every question which I was happy about. There were a few situations where I knew the figures that I got in a previous part of a question were wrong, but I knew what to do with them in the parts that followed. So hopefully, even though a lot of my final answers were a mess, the steps that I followed and the formula I used were correct and will give me enough marks to pass this paper.So, I hope I have a good few partial grades in the bag now, paper one was always my least favourite paper, so whatever I achieved should only get better after paper two! I'm really relieved because I knew this would be one of the most challenging exams and the fact that it went okay is really encouraging. Time to go over paper 2, as many biology exam questions as possible and make my way through Irish essays, summaries and vocab for the exams next week... But first, I'm taking the afternoon off and recommend it to everyone else after today :))

Isabelle - Higher Level

Today was definitely the most nervous I have been going into an exam. In the car on the way I wasnt sure whether I needed to cry or throw up (thankfully I did neither). Having got 40% on the dot in my mock Maths has been a huge source of stress for me, with my main end goal being to scrape a D3. This exam was baffling to me. Some of the questions were scarily easy and almost spoon fed the answers and then others (like the oil spill ???!) were difficult and just plain weird. Differentiation has never been one of my strong points, so when I saw that nearly every question included it in some shape or form (seriously though whats up with that??) I was quite disappointed. The financial maths question was a nice break from it all!Overall I was not overly happy with the paper, and I have pretty mixed emotions from most of my friends aswell, some thinking it was too easy, some finding it impossible. Either way I filled in every box and made some ludicrous attempts, so I'm hoping some nice partial credits will be heading my way and hopefully getting me to 40%.Now for a weekend full of the most intense cramming of my life, but maybe a well deserved break for tonight!

Dáire - Higher Level

I was more anxious before this exam than I was for English, but I was relieved when I opened the paper. I found the short questions to be very handy, especially the financial maths one, which I found nearly too easy and was searching for the catch involved. I was happy with that, because it's my worst topic.I took my time going through the paper, it took me a few minutes to relax with the paper and once I did, it was all good from there. Usually I would go mad if there was a question I couldn't answer, but I felt that time was on my side and I pulled each question apart and got through it.It wasn't a perfect paper either, there were surprisingly only a couple of parts that I could not answer. I'll hold off on predicting my grade for now but I'm nearly certain I passed off that paper alone. I hope paper two treats me as well on Monday as paper one did today.

Rob - Higher Level

I had prepared a lot on proof by induction as well as learning off my proofs and definitions for this paper. All morning I looked over these, and so I was quite disappointed to see none of them turn up in the paper.As I don't have the paper with me to analyse I can't speak about every question. I found the first 6 to be quite straightforward, except for Question 4 involving complex numbers. I tried everything with this question, swapping positions, De Moivres, adding conjugates. I couldn;t make it work.I found the rate of change question to be challenging, there was a lot of information with the different questions requiring you to fully be following what was going on with that oil spill.I was disappointed to see no theory, no induction or simultaneous equations nor any mention of surjective and injective functions. The paper was very heavy on calculus, which I can deal with, but I would have preferred some of the other topics.Overall I'm a little disappointed and disheartened. There will surely be some theory on Paper 2 now, on top of the theorems and inferential statistics to learn off. I'm still not sure about the new aspects introduced this year so will have to check up on that tonight online.Hopefully Paper 2 will be a bit kinder to me, I know not everyone was as disappointed as I was today. 8 more exams to go!Please note: Blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union.

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Leaving Certificate Geography


Well well well. If that Geography paper did not just kill me, nothing will! I remember the days at Junior Cert level, where Geography was focused on Economic activities and the Physical Geography and that was all. Ah, I miss those days.The paper began with possibly the worst set of Short Questions I have seen in a long time. I spent much longer than I should have on them but I knew that the remaining questions weren't much better so I bit the bullet and got on with the questions. In fairness, there may have been a few questions that I may have answered 100% correctly, but I definitely did not get my 80 marks I could've gotten there.From then on the paper was nothing more than a farce. On the Physical Geography Section, I decided to do the first question because I knew Karst surfaces fairly well and how a waterfall was formed. That got part A & B out of the way fairly sharpish. However, C blew me away. I am not going to lie - I may have totally waffled my way around that question.After that question and the Shorts, my pride in my Geography knowledge may have been hurt and so, it's no surprise that I did not do too well on any other question in the exam. I didn't have enough time to even attempt the Electives on Section III and I recall writing about The Mezzogiorno for a Manufacturing question but all the rest was a blur of scrawled writing and panic.I only hope I did well in the Field Work Project now because it may very well end up being my my saving grace. It wasn't all bad though, I did give it my best shot and I was glad Processes of Erosion came up on the Physical Geography so I guess every cloud does have a silver, Geographical lining.


Having had no time whatsoever to revise, seeing as English 2 had used up the last of our energy reserves, it wasn't a surprise that nerves today were all rather frazzled. 9:30 arrived and there was a collective frenzy to the back of the paper - I was absolutely delighted with the Plant & Animal adaptation biomes question, and having prepared that exact essay, it certainly got the exam off to a confident start. I can imagine that there was a quiet country-wide celebration upon seeing that glorious waterfall question, and having written about under cuttings and overhangs in every geography exam since first year, it was a delight to see a familiar face. Unfortunately I had to compromise by attempting an unfamiliar tectonics question, but I trudged through that regardless. Besides, the Karst part A was a beaut! There were some rather off-putting human environment questions in my opinion, including an industrial decline essay and a vile part A - a misleading and badly phrased immigration vs emigration question. Anywho, regional proved reasonably manageable, with a reassuringly open question about climate which could be adapted to any region, and a glorious primary economic activity essay in which I could talk about soya, fazendas and cattle ranching to my heart's content.While the predicable classics such as land form development, human interaction with the rock cycle and sedimentary rocks appeared, overall in my opinion, it was an exam of unexpected challenges.Well done to everyone today! Time to enjoy our well-deserved weekend. No more isostasy for us!


Opening up the exam the first thing I did was jump over to the geo-ecology section to see had I gotten lucky. I had (I think). The biome question that came up seemed to be ideal, although the underlined use of the word "specific" will bug me till I get my results. I decided to get this out of the way and do it, I then went and did the short questions. Unlike the last few years these were the hardest part of the paper in my opinion. There were a lot of difficult questions that haven’t been on the paper before. The second OS maps question was also really hard to understand. I could not for the life of me figure out from what direction the picture had been taken. I moved onto the physical geography doing the old reliable features of erosion question. Regional was not too bad I did the question on industrial decline and tertiary activities. There was also a sketch map of a European region which I dreaded, although for the first time ever I was happy with my sketch of the Mezzogiorno. Then all that was left was the economic section which was tough enough. I picked the question on environmental impacts of economic activity and colonialism. These went alright for me although I ran out of time and didn’t get to say as much as I would’ve liked for colonisation.All in all I think that it was a fair paper giving a good choice of questions and as long as my answer for the biomes question works out I think I’ll be fine.Please note: Blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union.

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