ISSU Welcomes New Anti-Bullying Procedures

 The Irish Second Level Students’ Union has welcomed the launch of new Anti-Bullying procedures. These new procedures and guidelines, aimed at addressing and preventing bullying such as homophobic and transphobic bullying, and particularly cyper-bullying. This will be mandatory for all schools . ISSU Equality Officer, Conor Lynott, said; “These new mandatory procedures will greatly improve the lives of all of our young people in making the school environment a safe and happy place for young people to grow and achieve their full potential.” ISSU President, Mark Caffrey, said; "The steps taken by the Department have been very positive in recent years when it comes to bullying. Now that schools have had a good chance to look at the department regulations and recommendations it is clear that schools will no longer have any excuses for developing their own local policies on bullying. We wholeheartedly welcome the new regulations. These reforms fit perfectly into the ethos of our second-level schools and are built around the action plan on bullying which the ISSU had a direct role in developing".

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CSPE Action Project Initiative : Express Yourself! Young People Promoting Human Rights in Ireland

IHRC invites CSPE students to submit human rights and equality images for national exhibition

 Ensuring that everyone can live "equal in dignity and rights" is at the heart of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).  Young people can play an active role in making this  principle a reality and in doing so help build a culture of respect for human rights and equality in Irish society. The Irish Human Rights Commission (IHRC) is inviting CSPE students to promote human rights and equality in Ireland through images, words and action. We are asking you to use your CSPE Action Project to demonstrate what human rights and equality mean to you and to display your work in your school or community for others to see, and at  Express Yourself! Young People Promoting Human Rights and Equality in Ireland, a national exhibition organised by the IHRC at the Lighthouse Cinema, Smithfield Dublin 7 from 25 March to 4 April 2014. The  Express Yourself!  initiative is being organised by the IHRC in collaboration with the Association of CSPE Teachers (ACT); Irish Second-Level Students’ Union (ISSU); the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST); and the National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD). See last year’s exhibition and find out more about human rights and equality in Ireland at  Closing date for entries is 29 January 2014. For further information please contact Fidelma Joyce at the IHRC. Tel: 01 8589601 or email: ‘Education’ – Students from St. John’s College, De La Salle chose to highlight education in this image and its importance to children in Ireland.

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ISSU Congratulates Students on their Junior Cert Results 2013


Irish Second-Level Students' Union Congratulates Students on their Junior Cert Results 2013

Today the Irish Second-level Students’ Union (ISSU) would like to wish all those receiving their Junior Certificate results today the very best of luck. However, the ISSU would also like to appeal to students to be responsible and mindful to others in their celebrations.Results this year are broadly in line with previous years, and we are happy with the steady increases seen in the number of students taking maths at a higher level with the project maths syllabus.The ISSU encourages all students to enjoy celebrating their well-deserved results, but to do so responsibly and to stay safe.ISSU Education Officer, Robert O’Donnell said: “Getting your Junior Certificate results is an important milestone in most young people’s lives and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all students on their well deserved results.  We were particularly interested in the increase in students opting for higher level maths, and we look forward to analysing the results of our project maths survey to get a full picture of students’ experiences of the new syllabus”.ISSU President, Mark Caffrey said: “Like lots of students across the country, I too will be receiving my junior cert exam results after three years of hard work that has led up to them.  It is great to see more students taking higher level maths, and hopefully this will feed into a similar trend in the senior cycle.“I’d like to congratulate all students on their hard-earned results, and encourage everyone to stay safe if they are celebrating tonight”.If students have any issues, they can contact the ISSU on / 01 443 44661 *****************ENDS ***************** 

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NATIONAL STUDENT BODIES & TRADE UNIONS JOIN FORCES TO TACKLE YOUTH JOBS CRISIS Three national student and trade union bodies today (Sept. 5) issued a joint call for immediate government action to address the youth jobs crisis and have proposed the adoption of a new National Jobs Strategy for Young People to tackle the problem. Together, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU), the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) and the Irish Second Level Students’ Union (ISSU), have called for an end to the ‘lock-out’ of young people from the jobs market and proposed a range of measures to improve access to the workplace and enhance employment skills. The three organisations are seeking joint meetings with “all relevant government ministers and departments” on foot of the proposals. The measures are contained in a new, joint publication - Locked out? Investing in a Future for Youth. 

The document is the result of a collaborative process between all three organisations, collectively representing more than one million people and includes a number of key demands: 

National Jobs Strategy for Young PeopleJobs StimulusMajor investment in the Youth GuaranteeA legal framework for work placementsThe creation of a new Career Information ServiceCreating a new National skills map  Speaking on behalf of the Congress Youth Committee, Lorraine Mulligan said: “We cannot afford to lose a generation to precarious work, joblessness or emigration. We need a clear strategy to tackle the problems facing young people, including investment in a Youth Guarantee, offering employment or training opportunities and ensuring decent pay and working conditions for those in the labour force.” USI President Joe O’Connor said: “Some 35,000 young people left Ireland in the last year, as a direct result of policies that didn’t offer them genuine opportunities, while a further 65,000 young people remain unemployed here. “Many are highly-qualified graduates who benefited from huge state investment through their education and would prefer to stay and contribute to our national recovery. But the opportunities just aren’t there. That has to change,” Mr O’Connor said. Mr. Mark Caffrey, ISSU President said: "The issue of youth unemployment and underemployment has not gone away. It is crucial that major steps are taken to ensure that opportunities are created for young people so their employment prospects improve. We need to end this 21st Century Lockout of young people from work and opportunity.” 

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2013 CAO offers

The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union would like to wish all students the very best of luck with their CAO applications today, however the ISSU urges all students to take time to asses your options.Most students are very apprehensive this morning as they consider their options carefully. Many have close to the same points, or slightly less than what their course was last year, they are extremely concerned that the points could rise and they will miss out.The Union has welcomed the overall increase in the numbers taking higher level Maths his year, however yet again we are cautious the success of ‘Project Maths’. The ISSU will publish a national student opinion survey on Project Maths in the coming weeks.Students are urged to take time to asses their options and consider their futures carefully. The NPCpp helpline is available on 1800 265 165 and further information is available from the ISSU website or by contacting the ISSU Team directly. We would like to remind students that if you do not get your first choice it is not the end of the world. There are many different routes into your course and you should seek advice if you are in this situation. It is recommended that you view all exam scripts should you have a concern about particular grades, and exhaust all efforts in getting where you want to be.

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Well done on your results!

Congratualtions to the Class of 2013!

 The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all examination candidates upon receiving their Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied results today. Speaking today, the ISSU Education Officer, Robert C. O’Donnell said;“Today will be the one of the most exciting times in your life, bringing to a close the results of 5 or 6 years of work from 1st year all the way to 6th year, and the beginning of the next chapter of your life. Today relax, and enjoy the opportunity to celebrate your work and your achievements. I and the ISSU would like to congratulate you on your success and hope you are happy with your choices and wish you all the best for the future. Don’t forget that there are plenty of facilities available to students including school guidance counsellors, family & friends , exam helplines and online resources to help students during this time.” ISSU President, Mark Caffrey added;“On behalf of the ISSU I would like to congratulate all Leaving Cert and Leaving Cert Applied students who have put in a lot of hard work over the pas number of years which culminates in today’s results. We are aware that many students still have concerns about the Project Maths syllabus, which is only in its second year of leaving cert examinations. In order to get student feedback on this issue, we are running a survey on, the results of which we will feedback to the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, and the Department of Education and Skills.” The ISSU urges students to use the National Parents’ Council post-primary (NPCpp) exam helpline (1800265165) to seek independent advice from qualified guidance counsellors if you are unsure of your options over the upcoming days. Online advice and support is available from ISSU on

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