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Connaught Regional Council

Calling all Galway students!This February 2nd we will be hosting our Connaught Regional Council in Galway from 10am-3pmIf you are interested in student voice, want to find out more about it or would like to connect with students in your region this is the event for you!Register here: https://form.jotform.com/70155919656970

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With the support of Conradh na Gaeilge, the ISSU will be running upcoming events in early February in Galway and later in Dublin to report on what Students think of Secondary Education through the Irish language in Gaelcholáistí and in Second-Level Schools in Gaeltacht Regions.The ISSU are delighted to be able to run this event through Irish as more than half of the NSE can speak Irish with proficiency! We hope that Students enjoy meeting others who choose to study through the medium of the national language, discuss common themes and issues and hopefully the ISSU will find out what's needed to improve education through Irish-language and to support these students as much as we can! Ag súil go mór leis! Bígí ann!Register here: https://form.jotform.com/70155317845962

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Regional Councils

15078524_841418922628059_7084332972826767874_nImagine a series of events held all around the country that were entry free but filled with such valuable information. Imagine a day in your province where you could connect with students from all the counties around you and share stories and experiences. Imagine a day aimed at not only students on a schools’ student council but any student interested and passionate about student voice. Imagine a day that could open so many new opportunities for you and introduce you to endless possibilities. That day is your local Regional Council. That day is about ISSU.The ISSU’s annual Regional Councils are a series of events that are 15181638_841419055961379_6913437391344703079_nincredibly inspiring. Often in school it can be hard to express your thoughts about school life but more importantly it can be difficult to find people that actually care and want to make a change. Regional Councils are a gathering of second-level students in each region around Ireland that are interested in Student Voice and who want to be part of making changes. Attending your local Regional Council can be incredibly refreshing and can really show you how much students can get involved in the world around you and open up lots of possibilities for your future.Prior to the event students can nominate themselves to the National Council of Schools which is an operational structure of the ISSU and is composed of 8 of the most reliable, hardworking and passionate students from around Ireland, 2 from each region. The National Council of Schools (NCS) work alongside the National Student Executive (who take care of the daily running of the ISSU) by raising issues from each region and by meeting during the year.The events are held in Munster (Cork), Leinster (Dublin), Dublin, West (Galway) and Donegal so that students around the green isle can connect locally. This is especially important because local issues can be discussed, for instance issues affecting students in Galway may be very different to those in inner city Dublin and so by Galway school students discussing issues on a separate day it is much much more effective.In essence, your local Regional Council is an amazing, educational and inspirational day while also being so much fun and a chance for you to meet some of the best people. It’s a day that young people around Ireland who are interested in student voice should attend, it's sure to be an unforgettable and unmissable experience!If this sounds like your cup of tea you can register here to join in on your local regional council and make a difference in your province! http://Click Here To Register! https://form.jotform.com/63133597556969

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National Council of Schools Nomination Form

15045450_1841961569358861_1086424019_o November 2016:National Council of Schools Nomination FormApply here: https://form.jotform.com/63164709329966The National Council of Schools consists of 2 representatives from each region. These representatives will be elected at each Regional Council. The National Council of Schools (NCS) are an operational structure of the ISSU and work alongside the National Student Executive (NSE) who are responsible for the daily runnings of the ISSU. The NCS will meet during the year and these mettings will be chaired by the ISSU student council support officer and assisted by the ISSU President and Deputy President. Responsibilities:

  • Represent ISSU at external events
  • Facilitate activities at ISSU events
  • Promote, defend and campaign for the education, social and general rights of the ISSU membership in that region
  • Organise and provide channels of communications between the NCS and the National Student Executive (NSE)
  • Recruit new members for the ISSU


  • Interested in Student Voice
  • Good communicational skills
  • Good work ethic
  • ability to take the initiative


Points to consider: 
Successful applicants will be required to commit to at least 1 meeting during the year which will be held in  the ISSU Dublin office. Applicants will be required to communicate with the NSE on quite a regular basis
Your school must be a member of the ISSU
Closing date:  Tuesday 28th November

Those running for NCS will be required to give a 2 minute speech on the day letting those in attendance know why they are the perfect candidate

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My Work Experience With The ISSU: Mental Health Debate in the Dáil.

    screenshot_2016-10-08-14-39-03  On the evening of Tuesday the 15th of November myself and some mental health campaigners from The Irish Second-Level Students Union and other groups such as Mental Health Reform attended a debate in Leinster house .To get into leinster house we had to be invited and we were invited by mental helath reform to be some of the names on ther list of people who could enter and watch the debate from the public gallery. Once we got by the front gates we headed into leinster house where we were stopped at the security desk to be given our public gallery access badges. We were then brought in to the public gallery by one of the ushers this is where we would spend the next two hours looking down on the debate happening.The motion was brought forward by Fianna Fáil’s James Browne TD who is the party spokesperson for the mental health. The debate was about how the government had only given 15 million for 2017 for mental health developments in our health system in the last budget. But only a couple of months previous in July 2016 the estimate from the Department of Health indicated that the required resources needed to fully implement A Vision For Change are 177.3 million or 35.4 million per annum over five years. As you can see a significant increase in mental health spending is needed to succeed in this 5 year plan to implement a Vision For Change.Your probably thinking “What is A Vision for Change?”. A Vision for Change is a model of what the mental health service should be like in Ireland. Its a framework of positive mental health across the country and giving accessible, community- based, specialist services for people with mental health issues.20161118_124336The debate began at 8 o’clock with deputy Browne giving his statement about the motion. Fianna Fáil is calling on the Government to set out how exactly it intends on achieving full implementation of the country’s mental health strategy. “We have made it clear that mental health spending can’t be put on the back burner, so it’s time for Fine Gael and their Independent colleagues to spell out their plan for mental health services.”.It was then the turn of Minister of State for Mental Health and older people Fine Gael's Deputy Helen McEntee to have her say. She began to say how she and her party did not oppose this motion. She had to defend herself and her party and she did this by talking of how €900 million would be spent overall in the mental health sector this year she also encouraged her colleagues in the Dail to go visit the central mental hospital which her party had been helping. She had a very hard job trying to defend herself and to do this she had to try make known to her fellow TD’s the work her and her party had done for mental health in this country. After this it was time for TD’s present from parties such as Sinn Fein, Green party,Labour, Social democrats,Anti austerity and Independents to have their say on the motion. They all had the same sort of points along the lines of how mental health is a considerable factor in the number of deaths in our country and that an Accident and Emergency room is no place for someone with a mental illness to attend. Deputy Browne concluded the debate saying ”I am glad the Government will not oppose this motion. The motion seeks an urgent review of the budget allocation. It seeks a multi-annual plan to set out how A Vision for change will be set.”“We do not want to be back here again. The Minister of State, Deputy McEntee, has our support but she needs to ensure that the people needing the services are also getting support.” Said Deputy Browne.At the end of it I felt that this funding without a doubt is despertaley needed in our country so we can catch up with the reforms set out in A Vision For Change. I also think we have a government who are trying their best to make mental health one of their main priorities and are doing all in their power to get this issue sorted. We can not let this matter get debated again and again, peoples’ lives are at stake and lives have already been lost and without this desperately needed funding we can not help our country tackle mental illness.I personally thought the debate was needed so we could secure the needed funds for our mental health system in Ireland. But I do think the debate was stretched out by all the TD’s voicing the same opinions over and over agian just in different ways. I think this was a matter that could of been sorted quickly and easily becaise it is quite clear that this country is in desperate need of these funds to imrove our mental health system.By Seán Savage

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Seachtain Seas Suas le BelongTo 14ú-18ú Samhain

untitled-1 Seo deis iontach a bheith páirteach i seacthain Seas Suas 2016 le BelongTo!Táimíd ag lorg an scáth báistí is fearr ó scoileanna dara-leibhéal in Éireann.Déan "Grá Báistí" i do scoil agus seol pictúir chugainn ar studentvoice@issu.ie.Thuile eolas agus achmhainní ar an bhfeachtas le fáil ar: http://www.belongto.org/campaign.aspx

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