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Anti-Racism Resource Book Launch

We, the Irish Second-Level Students Union, stand in full solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.

We cannot ignore racism and discrimination. We must confront it, in ourselves, in our society and especially at school.

The ISSU have created an anti-racism resource book to help you safely take action and to help you understand and support this Global Movement.

Is féidir leat é a fháil anseo

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ISSU Simple Steps to Study & Be Safe

The ISSU ,whilst continuing to advocate for clarity on exams for students,have put together some tips for motivating students to continue their studies and stay safe!

The ISSU recognises that it is a massive challenge to students, particularly those in exam years, to study at home in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. School is more than just studying for exams. For a lot of people it is where they express themselves, whether through their sport, music or other creative outlets .It is their support network and an outlet to socialise with their friends. It is understandable and totally okay if students feel overwhelmed or anxious at the prospect of studying at home for the next while.In these unprecedented times it is important to remain positive and do your best to cope with the uncertain circumstances. Hopefully some of these tips will help you to get through the days and weeks ahead.

ISSU Study Tips and Safety .png
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The ISSU launches its General Election Manifesto

Amidst the general election uproar, we are pleased to release our second-level student manifesto, outlining, the issues we need to see a new government tackle with haste.

The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union is happy to announce the launch of their Second-Level Student Manifesto for the upcoming General Election. This manifesto highlights the issues and concerns of second-level students. The ISSU are seeking the support of all candidates in this general election on the issues outlined within this manifesto. Second-Level students’ cannot be left behind by the next government.

This manifesto covers the demands of second-level students in education, mental health services, climate crisis and vote at 16. Concrete plans and actions need to be taken by the next government to tackle these issues and to create positive outcomes which the ISSU have consistently campaigned for. 

“Most second-level students’ in Ireland are not of the voting age to directly have their voices heard in this general election. Second-level students cannot be left behind. There are numerous issues facing second-level students which we have been addressed in our manifesto. Second-level students’ deserve quality and easily accessible education, we need radically improved mental health services, we need serious action to be taken on the current climate crisis to guarantee our future and we need to engage students’ in politics from a younger age by lowering the voting age to 16; these are among some of the priorities contained in our General Election 2020 Manifesto.” 

The ISSU want the people that are elected in this general election to implement policies that are inline with the asks of second-level students’ outlined in this manifesto.

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