Irish Second-Level Students' Union Launches 2014 Exam Blog

For immediate release:

The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union (ISSU) would today like to wish the very best of luck to students nationwide who are beginning their Leaving Cert, Leaving Cert Applied and Junior Cert examinations this week.The ISSU annual exam blog will go live on Wednesday the 4th of June, and students from across the country will be blogging throughout the exams, letting us know how they’re finding the exam process, and what they think of the exams themselves.

ISSU President, Craig Mc Hugh said; ‘“Students in Ireland should take care to relax over the next few weeks and avoid cramming, the most important thing is for them to present what they’ve learned over the course of their studies, not in the night before. As a fifth year student myself, I can only begin to imagine the feelings among exam students, but I’d like to urge all candidates to relax and realise that they are only human and can only do their best.”

ISSU Education Officer Joanna Siewierska said; “I wish all exam students the very best of luck for the next few weeks.  Exams can be stressful for many students, but I’d encourage them all to remember that this is their chance to show what they have been learning for the last few years. Ninety-nine percent of the work is already done and everyone really is in the finishing straight now!”.

The ISSU will be running a daily exam blog on with contributions from students nationwide.


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