Junior Certificate Science
Chloe - Higher Level 
So science was my second last exam and I was really dreading it. There is so much information to retain and I was nervous that I hadn't studied some of the chapters as well as I should have.To begin I went through the exam question by question and I came across a few that at first I wasn't quite sure of but then the answers dawned on me when I checked over it again. The question on germination was a disaster for me, as honestly I hadn't revised it and so I just took a complete guess. Other than that I feel I was comfortable enough with most of the questions and I'm happy with how it went.It definitely feels brill to have the exams almost done and dusted with just one more to go for me which is woodwork! See ye on Monday for that!!
Shane - Higher Level 
Ok. I was dreading this exam, which sounds ridiculous because I had put A LOT of study time and effort into it. I made sure I did a really good coursework B and spent hours checking my lab manual, writing experiments, re-writing experiments and making sure I had them all. So I was a little bit (a huge bit) on edge. However, when that exam paper was put in front of me, I rejoiced at how it was a very nice paper. I was convinced after the beauty that was Business and History, the SEC would want to wipe the smile off of my face. Yet, they only made it bigger.The biology section was a little harder than previous years but was very manageable and all students who studied should have done well. I was in my element (insert wink emoji) doing the Chemistry section because that is my stand out favourite part of the course. Physics was also a great section but they put the weirdest experiment on it! I cannot wait to do Chemistry and Physics next year after how that went:) I’m just insanely happy with Science and I am looking forward to recovering from this week now that I’m off until Monday!!! Best of luck to you all doing exams tomorrow!
Kate - Higher Level 
I am generally an A student in science so I felt quite prepared for this exam. I spent hours last night learning chemical formulas, balanced chemical equations, formulas and units. To my shock horror not one question on chemical formulas or equations came up and only one question on physic formulas. Other than that the exam was a lot better than anticipated.
I looked over the exam first and then I answered chemistry, physics and finally my least favourite - biology. I answered every question without much trouble. Overall I thought that this was a lovely exam and I am quite happy with how I did.
Philip - Higher Level 
So I didn't find this paper too hard, a lot of pretty tough questions but I think I managed to get an answer out for most of them. I worked through the paper in the order it was given and didn't find much trouble throughout. I had went through past papers last night and the marking schemes to check my answers. There I made a lot of mistakes but I knew them today and I was lucky enough that a good few of them came up. I did struggle with the questions on circuits but apart from that I think it went well all in all.It went better than I expected, I was really dreading this exam yesterday!Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.Zeminar is an event for Generation Z, particularly those aged between 15 and 19, and their parents, teachers, mentors and coaches. It will take place from 11th - 13th of October 2016. For more information see www.zeminar.ie