Leaving Certificate Business
Craig - Higher Level 
So IDA doesn't stand for International Development Association - and my break even chart wasn't perfect, but by god what a nice exam. After such an exhausting few days - doing business this morning was somewhat relaxing! The ABQ on Units 2,3,4 were a little bit dodgy after question 1 as you'd struggle to quote from the text for question 2 and question 3 , but all in all - "its only business" and as predicted "twas grand".There was a lovely International Business Question on Question 3 - simply looking for us to demonstrate some basic knowledge on the benefits and disadvantages of TNCs in Ireland , while the People In Business Question was lovely - Performance, Agreement , Frustration Breach, a half a page on the NCA and a pretty basic question on Unfair Dismissals .The Breakeven question carried a lovely 40 marks for basic understanding of the topic, I think I pulled in the majority of marks here but the second break even point might have cost me a high grade over all, as I couldn't figure out how they should intersect which was a bit of a knock (honestly though at this stage I don't care I'm too bloody tired).Finally, the question on Planning Organising and Controlling was lovely - as predicted in the mocks - Matrix came up after that, I can hardly remember, but it was nice.The Short Questions weren't too bad either - I struggled with Job production (didn't touch that chapter) and I think the European questions might have had a wee trick in them but overall they were pretty nice - soothing, even.As a pointer for anyone who god forbid finds themselves reading this next year having to do French, History and then Business the next day, it's actually quite soothing. Today was a walk in the park compared to yesterday - safe to say the worst is over now!
Emma - Higher Level 
Business was an absolute lovely paper! Not what I was expecting at all. The short questions took me a bit of time to see what they actually wanted but I managed to get 9 done leaving out question number 1. I then went onto the ABQ and did the first part but realised I'd spent WAY too long explaining the skills, so I moved on to the long questions and left 4/5 pages to come back to the ABQ. The long questions were lovely but extremely long and they were asking for a lot in each part. I did 1, 4, 5, 7. I stayed away from anything financial or the break even chart because they take me forever. Once I finished those I had 25 mins to spare and I went back and did the rest of the ABQ. I'm lucky I write extremely fast but from reading others reactions, it is evident that not everyone has the ability to complete the paper in the given time. The business exam is a timing game, because most of the information is straightforward enough once you know it. 3 hours to write a booklet and 5 pages really really doesn't suffice and my fingers are still killing me!!But overall the paper was kind and I was extremely pleased leaving the exam, which is always a good sign! (I hope!) 2 more left!Please note: blog posts reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union. Blogs are updated daily by 6.30 pm on scheduled examination dates.Zeminar is an event for Generation Z, particularly those aged between 15 and 19, and their parents, teachers, mentors and coaches. It will take place from 11th - 13th of October 2016. For more information see www.zeminar.ie