Leaving Cert 2021 Update


The ISSU did not advocate against Calculated Grades for LC 2021.

The ISSU attended a meeting this morning and called for an urgent meeting with the SEC to discuss the impact of school closures on the state exams and evaluate what changes and contingencies should be put in place. We have a large scale survey out right now collecting the view of students.

We are fighting for students every day. we've made clear that online tuition is no substitute for face-to-face learning and if students do not receive adequate online learning over the next month then some students WILL have lost almost 4 months of tuition.

This will have a direct impact on the state exams and we have to make the necessary changes.

We have been listening to our members and to students who have contacted us and taken part in our survey, we will be continuing the consultation process on LC 2021.


Leaving Cert 2021 Instagram Live


Statement from the ISSU National Student Executive (NSE) regarding Extended Closure of Schools