Statement from the ISSU National Student Executive (NSE) regarding Extended Closure of Schools

It is clear that students have lost confidence in the plan to safely return to schools. The Department of Education & Skills has failed to effectively communicate with students and in doing so they have lost the trust of students. 

This must change. We need open and honest communication with students, the school community and all education partners. 

As the National Student Executive (NSE) of the ISSU we call on the Department to confirm the extension of school closures, however we acknowledge that this will now lead to further challenges for all students. It is essential that no student is left behind in the provision of online learning. Last year's provision of online education was insufficient, and ultimately led to the necessary implementation of calculated grades. We must ensure that every student gets an equal education over the month of January, and into the future, if necessary.

Today we called an emergency executive meeting to discuss recent developments surrounding the ongoing pandemic, and what it means to the student population of Ireland. A survey launched on the issue of schools reopening and state exams has so far shown overwhelming support for the extension of school closures for 6th year students, and further data on this survey will be released in the coming weeks. The NSE, taking on board feedback received until the point of that meeting, had decided to join the calls for the extension of school closures for 6th year students before this evening’s media reports. 

We remain in favour of the proposal that students with special educational needs (SEN) should receive in-person tuition, if possible. 

The ISSU is calling for a meeting of all educational stakeholders, the Department of Education & Skills, and Minister Norma Foley to discuss how the State Examinations will be affected if schools are closed and the provision of Online Learning. 

The ISSU would like to encourage any second-level student who is feeling uncertain or stressed in these times to avail of the mental health services that can be found on our website and to engage with the union in the days and weeks ahead. 




Leaving Cert 2021 Update


ISSU to Survey Student Views on Reopening of Schools and State Examinations 2021